Monday, January 16, 2012

Hello all! It is early Monday, and I'm up doing things like editing my manuscript for a novel I'm working on. Then it hit me. Today is Martin Luther King day! When I visited the gravesite of He and wive Correta Scott King, It was a tremendously humbling experience. The peace and tranquil feeling in that area was unbelievable. The Tomb where they both are laid to rest set's out into the middle of a waterfall. It is beautiful. Today for some reason, MLK day means more to me than it has in recent years. Maybe because I've noticed that Racism has risen its ugly head up like never before; and most of the freedoms we've achieved over these last forty some odd years are being reneged upon, or being altered.

#SadMomentWhen; Dr. King was killed. I was 10 and a half years old; and aside from losing my Mother at age 6 in 1962, JFK murdered a year later in 1963, then Malcolm in 1965, a terrible riot ruins Detroit in 1967.  Then not even an entire year later in 1968, both Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, & Bobby Kennedy were gone, mere months apart from one another. Even as a child I sensed that all the world had become a lot sadder place for many people who believed in liberty and justice for all. In a lot of ways, America became a whole lot less than that great place we all sung about, and placed our hands across our hearts as we recited the Pledge of Allegiance every morning in grade school.

RIP Dr. King! May your Dream of peace and harmony be a solid reality one day. Lord know we've made steps here in this great land. We have an African American President (who is constantly disrespected and heranged almost daily), electric and gas powered cars that park themselves, Movie theaters in our homes, yet and still, right in our neighborhoods, people are hungry, losing their homes, jobs and faith that America can be more than what it has become. In all the changes and wars, and trends and fads and technological advances we've made over these 4 decades, what have we learned? Again I say, What have we learned?

Glenn Peppers

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