Friday, January 6, 2012

Friday Dinner and some Old School Wisdom

Ah, cool down time. Busy morning and afternoon. Wifey said she'll make dinner tonight. Fried Chicken, French Fries and Salad. Can't beat wifey's cooking! Normally, I'll spoil her and make dinner like a good Home Husband should, but today she felt like rattling the pots and pans, so who am I to stand in the way of perfection?

Got a message from an old work buddy who texted me yesterday (didn't recognize the number), and again this morning.  They'd been trying hard to get in touch with me. For me, old haunts and bad memories (about that particular place I once worked, not that person). In the message this person said they finally (and wrongfully) lost their job at this place. With some businesses, underhanded dealings never change. Most employers really don't know (nor do they care) that when you do people badly, Karma is full effect!

I just read the message and wished this person God's speed for the future. My advice to anyone fighting a losing battle at a job where you're the odd man out is to simply, get out! Do your best, give your all, and always do a job well done. If this is not enough then it is time to move on and let God take care of the rest! Try starting your own business and make a good go of it. As I said, Karma is in full effect!

You are worth more than the devaluing, degrading, degradating treatment  some places of business employ upon its workers. God wants you with a sound mind and a peaceful heart. I'm learning this more and more each day! So I say to you all, God's Speed!

Glenn Peppers

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