Saturday, August 17, 2013

So Who is the True Sellout Among Us?

"So Who is the True Sellout Among Us?"
(Russell Simmons, produces Harriet Tubman Sex Tape. How far have we fallen?)

By Glenn Peppers 8-17-13

I just read about, and heard all this crazy news concerning this /disrespectful/juvenile video production that Russell Simmons made or produced about Harriet Tubman being in a sex tape! Firstly, I refused to view it for obvious reasons; therefore I won't post or share any images that have to do with this rhino dung video project! According to the content of the video that ‘trusted people of vast intellect’ shared with me, I suggest you give this video-pig-slop, zero attention as well! But, its a free country, so do as you please!

For me, it is the very idea that this man would do such a thing in the first place! Oh my goodness! Why don’t people think things through? I wonder has Simmons ever thought that Harriet Tubman may have been one of the very persons hundreds of years ago to free one of his very ancestors from the chains of slavery, and here he is, making a mockery of Harriet Tubman, bargaining in ill gotten ways for the freedom! In hearing what this Russell Simmons debacle was all about, I said to myself... this has to be one of the most apprehensible acts of degradation and buffoonery I have ever heard! But why? Why do something like this!

I mean, the very idea of such a thing is outright blasphemy in response to the work that Tubman amazingly completed! And this coming from someone supposedly so influential, so intelligent, and community minded as I thought Russell Simmons was? Rush Card? Yeah Right! If I had one, I’d be rushing to cut mine in half! 

Seems that a lot of these Hip Hop stars have been taking the legacies of great people like Harriet Tubman, and civil rights leaders like Harry Belafonte (Jay Z referring to him in a rap song as  "Boy!"), and trashing their good names in the media here of late. Almost as if they are intentionally trying to deface their names, defame their histories, and their good works, and all their hard fought efforts in the struggle for equality and civil rights! 

How dare this sellout among his own people, squat even lower than he already has in pushing the most basic of ignorance to our children, as far as musical digression goes. And now he is trying to devalue the work of this blessed woman's God given, supernatural mission of mercy. Tubman’s personal assignment to assist in bringing mankind out of the bondage of human slavery! From not even seeing it, I can gather from the content shared with me that the Russell Simmons-Harriet Tubman’ video tape attempts to cheapen the legacy of a slave woman who single handedly set thousands of other slaves free, in a world and time when murder was the price for such efforts! 

What a tremendous shame it is that Russell Simmons could not use his wealth, his clout, nor his so-called smarts to produce something epically meaningful, and historically correct, about Harriet Tubman’s life, and not resort to hollywood BS and tabloid foolishness to slander, lessen and devalue Tubman’s accomplishments, as well as the pain and suffering Harriet Tubman endured on all those cold, wet, dark dangerous night journey’s, leading slaves northward to freedom, on the Underground Railroad! Even though the word might not mean much to you anymore. I say, Shame on you Russell Simmons!
Glenn Peppers

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