Friday, August 9, 2013

So long to Karen Black

"She Scared us Well"
(Saying Goodbye to Karen Black)

By Glenn Peppers

Dang ya'll! I am truly saddened this morning! OMG! Actress Karen Black has passed on! I loved Karen Black! This wonderful actress in essence helped pioneer the popularity of the late 1960's/early 1970's, ABC Made For Television Movies! 

The timeless, "Trilogy of Terror" was so well played by her that it has burned a parking space image in all of our classic TV brains who watched it! Oddly sexy, yet chillingly sinister looking; Karen was unique in that you couldn't help but love her! She was always in distress, yet backdropped with a feminine cloak of evil to draw your fears into play! And those eyes! Those big ole' scary, sexy, demented eyes!

No one else besides Hitchcock has ever scared me away from everyday items like dolls and weird pictures and such more than Karen Black. I decided long ago that a doll, or any strange crazy looking figurine made into a Voodoo doll would never darken my door after I saw Trilogy of Terror! 

Karen Black passed away after a long battle with cancer. Even in her last days, she mustered her classic, Karen Black smile. Karen Black passed away with friends and family at her side. 

The 3rd episode in the Trilogy of Terror, entitled "Prey" rivaled anything The Twilight Zone ever produced! Karen Black will be sorely missed indeed! RIP oh talented one!
Glenn Peppers                          8-9-13

Here is more info on Karen Black's career, and info leading up to the time of her death. 

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