Saturday, August 24, 2013

I Want to Thank Those in Charge

“I Want to Thank Those in Charge...”
(The Bastardization of Power)

By Glenn Peppers 8-24-13

Thank you to those who are in charge of the great state of Michigan, as well as many others (only those of corrupt means) in office, and those working civically in and around Detroit, Michigan, past and present for spending long years and hard work, doing a Real Job on the good people of Michigan. Thanks for breaking people down, and stripping them of their savings, their good naturedness, and their solidarity and taking the phrase "right to work," out of context. Oxymoroning it, and Flipping the word-script into a word that means in short... Union Busting, and/or "At Will Hire, in a "No Rights for the Employee" whatsoever situation! This is what you call, "Right to Work?" Thank you for instilling a solid lack of dignity and pride into a people living in the city of Detroit who are suffering from tragic cash insufficiencies, blight, and FEAR! 

Thank you for the shutting off, and non-maintenance of street lights in select areas of the city of Detroit, thrusting thousands into the dark after sunset, leaving them to suffer at the hands of thieves and murderers, and again, fear for their lives! This due in part to the lessening of Detroit’s police force, and the city’s fire and rescue departments. Thank you for helping force countless thousands out of work over the years, and out of their homes, and starving even thousands more; all the while grinning in our faces, calling your actions, a greater good! 

Thank you republicans for vengefully taking away the various benefits and livelihood survival options people had in place in order to live halfway normal lives! People who in most cases have lost everything in life. Folks who depend upon the bare necessities to survive, now greatly suffer because you hate the fact that there is a two term African American President in office! So you take out your revenge on innocent people who are struggling, to make your point! 

Thank you Lansing and Michigan’s present Governor for lessening retirement packages, and taxing them as well. You must know that the our elderly and retirement citizens greatly appreciate you for this? Thank you all for making it almost impossible to comfortably live in southeastern Michigan, if you are living in a lower middle class, working poor classification. Thank you for making things somewhat unbearable to live in the city of Detroit, unless you live in or close to Mid-Town; therefore driving a great many people out of Detroit (and some parts of Michigan) as if giant ants in a “B” science fiction movie have overrun the city!  

Thank you to all those who steal, and have stolen from Detroit, and Michigan citizens as a whole, through whatever means! Maybe you were thinking that this would make us stronger, and was only thinking of improving our survival skills!... Thank you for thinking of us!... You're so kind! Oh and thank you for helping make Michigan a laughing stock of the nation, and the world for being the largest city in America to be taking over and ruled under a dictatorship, smack dab in the middle of a country where democracy claims to constitutionally still be in place. 
For all your efforts, I'd like to thank all the republican host for depression, reprised racial oppression, stress, enmity, and all your hatred towards the poor, and that milestone hacking away at the 1964 voters rights act!... creative indeed! Thank you all for sleepless nights, and lesser medication days for those who have to choose groceries, rather than purchase medicines. I'd like to thank those same people for passing all those wonderful jobs bills, (Not!!!) putting thousands back to work, rebuilding the infrastructure of America back up to its place of greatness, again!... Well actually, we're still patiently waiting on that one! 
Thank you for all the abject hopelessness, and for that "Thousand Mile Stare" of shock, and despair that I see in the eyes of hungry children, and homeless families living in their cars or on the street. I can never thank you enough for all the many broken dreams, and for a forthright unelected city finance leader who felt that he could be freely, and insultingly honest with the good citizens of Michigan, by calling us (and our ancestors) "Lazy and Stupid" to our faces, with a smirk and a smile; never once actually apologizing! 
There are so many to thank, that I cannot possibly thank you all for doing such a wonderful job on this great state of Michigan, and its people! Let me say that for all you've done, may you all suffer the Blue Flame Fires of the Ninth Circle of HELL! May you forever breathe in the smell of hades hot swamp gases, and waste and decay that you've helped inflict upon, and drudged up out of the souls of those who have suffered and died, believing things would one day get better for them, under your leadership. 

May the fumes of hell's rotten bile torment you for all that you have done to countless innocents in this life who suffered repudiation, and outright deception at the hands of your greed and cruelty! To anyone who has robbed and pilfered from those in this city who trusted you; may you scald slowly and painfully, forever on! 

May you endlessly smolder for an eternity for those who died trusting, believing and tolerating your lies and skullduggery! For all those you gleefully deceived and betrayed; for all those unsuspecting well meaning everyday people, may you wear white hot flame as your drape! Brimstone shall be your easy chair! For your intent to willfully ruin and maliciously destroy human lives was a clear and conscious choice! A full bastardization of power, at the cost of untold innocent lives!

Glenn Peppers    

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