Friday, August 2, 2013

Run... Run George Zimmerman

"Run... Run George Zimmerman"

(Where will you go?)

By Glenn Peppers

Three weeks have passed since that awful verdict was handed down in Florida, and already George Zimmerman has supposedly saved a family from a burning automobile (yet couldn't wrestle a 17 kid off him), and had a run in with the law by being pulled over by the police in Texas! What for you ask?... Speeding! Speeding Mr. Zimmerman? Really! 

Going somewhere FAST? What's wrong Mr. Zimmerman, Paranoid? And toting a gun again, I see! And in Texas, of all places no doubt! I'll tell you what; get the wrong verdict down there in the Lone Star State pal, and you'll fry! So, tell us, Speedy Gon Zimmerman, what did you do, wear out your "Stand Your Ground" Welcome in Florida? 

Oh yeah, my letter I wrote to you (which you can read on a past Blog entry) did have some merit to it, I see; and is strangely coming into fruition. So maybe its true, that you've got that creepy feeling that you have to watch ya back all the time, huh? That sneaky suspicion that wherever you go, you're being profiled, or stalked? Sound familiar? Like I said in my letter to you, you have become what you hated most. A black man! Feared, hated, profiled, stalked, judged, and discriminated against!

You just so happened to get a nice cop pullin' you over, this time! Obviously a misguided Zimmerman fan, and supporter I imagine! Or maybe just a kindly hard working policeman who figured you've had enough trouble and simply said, "Move along!" Oh boy! Now you really feel privileged now, don't ya? You're like the Fist of Goodness, now huh? You really think that law enforcement agencies love and respect you, Don't you? News flash, Mayonnaise Jar Head!... Don't bet on it! You got lucky!

As I said in my letter to you. I really do hope no one does any harm to you! Karma would have it where no one would have to! Your fears, and your hatred, and your conscious, combined with guilt will eventually destroy you in due time! Until then, you'll run, and you'll run. And then you'll hide! You'll look over this shoulder, and that shoulder; and sleep ever so lightly! You'll go on saving fake families (for the media and your own phony PR sake) from set up overturned vehicles, and go on trying and make yourself as obscure, and as anonymous as possible; but you won't be able to hide forever! You crave trouble far too much! Drama will follow you everywhere you go!

Everywhere you turn, there'll be a reminder, a person staring at you. Whispering, fingering you, hating you. There'll be twisted Zimmerman wannabes worshipping you. God forbid they carry a gun like you! You know what people who obsessively worship folks in the media faithfully say about the famous people they stalk don't you? They always say... "I'm your Number 1# Fan!" Not a good sign! 

Then each night, and each morning, you'll look into the mirror; and when you do, you'll see that young man's eyes! Before you close your eyes at night, you'll hear the sound of your pistol going off! When out in public, they'll always be plenty of 17 year old African American kids passing you by on the street. Most of whom have no intent of harming you at all. Yet your fears, and your racism will overcome you! What will you do George Zimmerman? There'll be times when you just want to be alone, and you won't be able to sit down and enjoy a bowl of soup. What will you do?

So from Florida to Texas. From Texas to Oklahoma maybe? Where will you run to George Zimmerman? I see that you are getting as close to the boarder as you can, for in your mind, they're out to get you! Whoever they are! So where will you land next George Zimmerman? How far will you run? Will you take your wife along for the big Fear Ride of the Century, or will you simply call up the pretty little blond in Apartment C back in Sanford, Florida, and take her along on your Cross Country run from yourself!

And firearms, so soon!... Another gun Mr. Zimmerman? And kept in your Glove Box no doubt! Well tell us Georgie, do you feel any safer having it? How threatened do you feel these days Mr. Zimmerman? Enough to run, and run fast I can imagine! Fear has taken over Mr. Zimmerman; now drive! Drive quickly Mr. Zimmerman! Drive faster, and faster still, onto the next adventure. Drive on into the next run in with the law, and even on to the next domestic violence row! Run Mr. Zimmerman on to the next confrontation with someone in the public of whom you're suspicious of, that'll make you so afraid that you'll draw your new weapon in self defense and kill someone else, in Death Wish fashion! Careful Tex, they just may shoot back this time! 

While on your Fear America Trek, take time to stop and look at yourself in the mirror along the way. For it is there where you'll see the face of a Child Killer who claimed to be a hero, by murdering an unarmed teenager with food items and a cell phone in his hands. Yes, run George Zimmerman. RUN from the images, real and imagined that will haunt you for a lifetime! Run... Run! 

Glenn Peppers              August 1, 2013

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