Sunday, December 8, 2013

“Nelson Mandela’s Fortitude of the Soul”

“Nelson Mandela’s Fortitude of the Soul”
(A Journey of Long Suffering onto Victory)
By Glenn Peppers                                  

     A good Facebook friend asked would things have been different if Nelson Mandela had been either released from prison years ago. Interesting enough, I thought that same question years ago in my younger days; yet after much thought it has become my reasoning that Mandela's long incarceration or imprisonment was something that only a man of his caliber could have handled, and used to his, (and South Africa's) advantage. I know this sounds atrocious but, in some strange way Nelson Mandela's hardship of incarceration in the name of freedom had to happen. Why? 

Because Nelson Mandela (possibly unbeknownst to even himself at the outset) became somewhat of a symbol! A symbol of anguish, and of pain and the harsh disenfranchisement that South African Blacks endured. It was from there onto becoming a symbol of justice and liberation, through long suffering, and by example; Nelson Mandela's quiet fortitude, and peaceful struggle became an inspiration to those who have fought and waited for freedom in South Africa. His struggle echoed in other places around the globe suffering from the injustices war, intolerance, and genocidal conditions the world over. Mandela’s suffering gave face to a condition of apartheid that had to be exposed, dissected and then finally altogether, dissolved! 

     Had Nelson Mandela's mindset and actions been any other way, I feel that deKlerk and South Africa would not have (so completely) seen the error of its ways, and abolished apartheid! We should never forget that while South Africa was swimming in a stew of hate, murder and intolerance, The world was watching! Through quiet solitude and woe, the walls of bondage and servitude were being knocked down in South Africa; and all inspired by one man’s anguish behind bars. Nelson Mandela!

Sometimes, it is the gentleness of ones spirit that shines through withered eyes, and graying hair, reflecting time and desolation of the soul. Yet at the same time revealing power through patience and stedfastness! A day by day stedfastness that evolves into a place of triumph over great adversity. A patient yet powerful gentleness that is much better received, and is far more affective than any harsh words of bitterness, regret, or the scourge of war! 

     Mandela's story is one that has shown us that seemingly hopeless adversity can, blossom into a beautiful timeless legacy. A legacy that yields change, and brings forth mighty accomplishments (i,e. becoming the President of South Africa, and a champion of peace) despite adversity! Through such quiet long suffering, Nelson Mandela has shone the world that we “All” can indeed overcome! 

Glenn Peppers 

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