Sunday, August 17, 2014

“Grow Up America!”

“Grow  Up  America!”

(Ok, so we have a Black President. Get over it already!)

By Glenn Peppers

When I look around at all that is going on these days, I still feel that a lot of what we are going through in recent times as black people in america is the result of white america's resistance and resentment toward having a black President. Yes I’m pulling the race card! I’m call it what it is! Whether white folks admit it out loud or even to themselves or not! Hatred for black people in this country (preferably the black male) is ingrained, and interwoven so deeply into america's fabric so tightly that these acts of aggression I’ve seen lately (as well as in the past) put against people of color since 2008 have been constant, and shamelessly implemented, almost as if by instinct! 

Even those who say they feel that having a black president really doesn't bother them one way or the other, still seem somehow affected negatively by it. This blind almost hive-like rage I see is showing itself in various modes of hatred and displeasure around the country! From subtle racism, to blatant acts of verbal outburst, to people right out abusing their powers of authority, either in law enforcement, in the realm of employment, on a retail level, and/or politically, because of this displaced anger and hatred! 

Republican leaders House Speaker John Boehner and
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell
Case in point, the very idea of Congress and other top republicans in america conspiring together to not pass any of the President's bills that could quite possibly help a great many people in this country regardless of race creed or color get a head and live the So-called America Dream is actually, un-american in itself! 

The very cutting off of ones nose despite ones face, just to show ones hatred for an individual or a people, just because of who he or she is, is sad and destructive! And all because this congress does not want it written down for history’s sake that a black man (in any remote way) helped mend the ills and woes of this country to a constructive degree! This spiteful act and mindset has shown me a side of America that I am totally disappointed with. 

I’m seeing an america that up and reneged on all its "This land is your land, this land is my land" principles and in six years time began to show itself as a farce! Deep seededly, I’ve noticed this resentment onto hatred is manifesting itself in peoples everyday words, deeds and actions, sparking all sorts of acts of polarization, discrimination, harassment attacks, and even denials of loans, on up to flat out public displays of pent up anger over the country having a black president who was elected onto two terms! 

Rush Limbaugh
One guy who echoed Rush Limbaugh's sentiment and radio statement that he hopes President Obama would fail said on an all night radio talk show a couple of years back that the republicans in house are punishing america for re-electing President Obama! Thus the other reason why none of his bills have been passed, and why good people have been denied various benefits, and other forms of assistance, etc!  

So, down into the annuls of history (depending upon who writes it), it will be known that when America elected its first black president, entities within the very government that serves us, are denying americans their very best because they hate our commander and chief. And therefore hate and punish the american public for re-electing him!... Diabolical!  
Although I don't really think their disliking President Obama had any real thing to do with liking or disliking any of the president’s policies. I'm seeing as a result of this resentment a shameless hunt, and attack emanating out of so many whites that it bothers me. In the back of my mind for the last six years I’ve been stewing this question around in my head. “Well damn, so is this how ya’ll REALLY felt about people of color all along?” And my thinking on this also was "Why were you hiding it? Is it because you thought that as long as there would be black folks living in america, there would or should never be a black president?” 

When President Obama was elected in 2008, I think it challenged the sensibility of what most whites have been taught about black folks most all your lives, intentionally and unintentionally through generational racism, and byway of environmental and social factors that black people are not smart enough, or do not have what it takes to run a country. One man had the nerve to say to me “It is because blacks were once slaves, and no descendant of slaves should ever sit in the White House!” This is how short sighted, and brainwashed people have been here in america, for apparently a very very long time! 

Either way, inwardly or outwardly, there appears to be millions of people out here not dealing very well with the idea that we have a black president, and it is manifesting itself in some very mean spirited and destructive ways, and through some pretty insane actions! From verbal attacks on the President of the United States, to sly off the cuff racist remarks from strangers in public to me and other people of color. You should hear the some of the things people say! You wouldn’t believe the dirty looks I get from people I don't even know. As if to say, “You voted for him, didn’t ya?” 

Police choking student Taylor Washington 1963
This mindset carries over into the public with random acts of displaced anger, such as in law enforcement. I asked myself, “Could possibly this displaced anger be leading up to a lot of these increased incidences of police shootings, illegal choke holds unto death, public electrocutions through tazings, and unlawful detainments, and brutal manhandling and heavy handedness of far too many black males here in america to mention?” Acts done and gotten away with since way before the civil rights movement simply because certain parties can actually get away with them wily-nilly, given how the system appears to be geared to work against people of color. 

Maybe this time in history had to happen. Maybe this trial by fire is what was needed to show us just how far as human beings we Have Not Advanced, at all! And to think we have the nerve to look toward the stars as a plan to expand our exploration or colonization ideas out to other worlds. Given how we treat and interact with one another right here, could it be that maybe we just aren't quite ready to meet and greet individuals (if there be any out there) who may be on a higher vibe or plain than we are moralistically, and intellectually? I think as a people worldwide, before that happens, we all have a whole lot of growing up to do, right where we’re at!
Glenn Peppers 8-17-14  

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