Friday, April 25, 2014

“Just Born Again”

Just Born Again   ( Why I am not Perfect? )
   By Glenn Peppers                                                                4-26-14
Ok people! Yes I'm Born Again! I never said that I was some perfect novel character, all dressed in shinning armor, standing tall and being all powerful and all that stuff. Nope, that wouldn't be me!

News flash guys: I do make mistakes! Lot's of them! And on any given day, usually I'm goofy as all get out! And yes like many of you, I have bad habits, and despite popular belief, I don't always do what's right! Yet when I shine, boy do I SHINE!... So right here and now, I'd like to publicly take this time to thank God for not giving up on me. Yes me, this odd lil' man of whom you rescued from the clutches of this cruel world of violence, judgement, and constant condemnation and the many varied attacks from all sides that are inflicted on Born Again folks. 

These days, Born Again peoples are experiencing with increasing volume these days, persecution like never before! I've got a lil’ clue for those of you out there. Those crazy folks that they feature on the evening and cable news programs, doing all those unspeakably insane acts of murder, cross burnings, high crime, as well as any sort of participation in any manner of wild cultic and/or occult activity and such, in the name of Father God, Jehovah and Jesus Christ "is Not" anything a real Born Again Believers would do! All this stuff (and many more insane acts) are just not apart of what being a real Believer in the things of the Jesus Christ is all about! As it says in Scripture: 

Matthew 7:21-23 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.” 

And I’m quite sure that there are people out here who would take even this simple verse of scripture out of context, and make it something that it is not (even so called ministers are doing this now days that I've seen on TV)! Doing such a thing comes from not having a full understanding of the word, and the Lord thy God. For those who do not know. There are people out here who prey on people seeking a knowledge of God by playing on their faith and their good intentions!

If you know me, you know that I am just a regular guy, and a big kid at heart! Believe me, I know there's a chance that I wear my guardian angels out most days ding the things I do sometimes, and may even crack them up quite often as well. 

Yet through it all folks, God knows I'm not a bad egg! I just can’t get over the very idea that God actually thought I was worth saving, and is still trying to drill some knowledge (and common sense) into this thick skull of mine, even after all these years. And yes mind you, I really do listen!... Um, sometimes I do! And most times I actually do get the serious messages; mostly after some pretty intense wakeup calls, and when the signs become way too obvious to ignore!... Duh!!! But I get them none the less! Hey, I'm getting better at it!

"I’d like to thank you God for understanding that being human hurts, a good deal of the time! Physically and emotionally! When you sent Christ here on his mission here on earth, he really did experienced some real and true serious human hurt factors. Pain that covered the gambit, physically and spiritually and emotionally. So I'm quite sure you know what human pain and suffering feels like!" 

"God, please forgive my short attention span. And all those times that I should have been reading and meditating on the word, or going about helping people when I was actually watching Food Network, or goofing on Facebook... Kinda like now!" 
Face it people, I'm not going to pretend to be some holier than thou guy who always gets it right every time! I'd be lying to you, "and" myself if I even started to try and play that one off! 

So to all you folks out there who are reading this, I'm not some religious nut, or some harsh, judgmental/sanctimonious task master of other people's faith (who am I to judge anybody?). I'm not gonna beat you over the head with religion (besides, when has that ever worked anyway?)! I'm of the mindset that says: 

"Believe what ya' wanna believe! I'm just offering up my testimony for all to see as an inspiration! Wow!... Now that I said that out loud, I hope I didn't run anybody off! Hmm, Me as an inspiration? Ok God?...  If you say so!" 

One thing's for certain, as a task master and judge of someone's faith or walk? I don't nearly qualify for that Job! 

And me?... Again, I'm just a Born Again Believer from way back, who wants to get it right with the God, the Creator of this vast Universe. One thing I've learned is that we're all a work in progress! That's why He is Jehovah God! The very one who set everything there is in existence in motion! 

And even though I stumble a lot along the way in life. "God I ask that you always be there to help me pick myself up whenever I fall!" Even though things doesn't always go my way, God hasn't let me down yet! So when I don't always get my little way about silly and small (and often big) things, I now know (after all these years) that there is a reason why! I may not always understand this divine wisdom, but there is a reason!

"God, I also ask that you continue to work your healing touch through me, and never stop bringing forth a smile to the faces your many other children in Christ everywhere out here. I pray that I am a good representative of you, and that you will continue to show yourself through me, making my testimony of you a true and fine example of your handy work; in a regular ole' guy like me!

Thank you again dear God for not giving up on me, when there were plenty of times, in recent years I was much harder on myself than you would ever have been!"

Amen and Amen!
Glenn Peppers 

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