Monday, December 9, 2013

“Prayer is a very Powerful Thing”

“Prayer is a very Powerful Thing”
   By Glenn Peppers

I think it was in author Betty Eadie's book, "Embraced by the Light" (her book reflecting on her near death experience), where she described being taken up on her way to heaven (or a place like it) by an angel after she had passed away in the hospital. Betty described gliding through the atmosphere along with this angel, through the stratosphere, and through space, and seeing the earth below her. 

As she traveled along with this angel, she said she saw all these thousand's and thousand's beams of light or energy beams emanating up from the planet, and reaching out into infinity! She was told that what she was seeing was the many prayers of millions of people praying and talking to God shooting out into the heavens, on their way to him like etherial laser messages to the throne! 

Although I can we can't see these beams of light emanating from this spiritual energy with our earthly eyes, I feel this energy as I pray at times! To be honest about it; this description doesn’t sound too farfetched, in that when communicating with the astronauts on the moon and in space; and with the Mars Land Rover, Nasa’s communication signals were and are sent on Laser Beams. What better way to send a signal all those hundreds of thousands (and maybe even millions) of miles away through deep space. Imagine seeing such a sight!  I know that to some folks, prayer seems ridiculous, childish and foolhardy. 

Yet in reality, prayer is actually very powerful! And I'll only say this once... Faith is the activation device involved in prayer. God responds to faith! Faith in and of itself is an energy source as well! You have to believe in order to pray, or you wouldn't even consider doing so. For in doing so, you are trusting that God is hearing and considering your prayers! Some people pray out of desperation. Even in that situation, there is a measure of faith involved, because in order to come to that place in your life, you have to believe that talking to God would indeed work. The this is good because, God does hear you! For if and when you do pray, you are unbeknownst to yourself having faith! Its that easy!

I guess some people feel ambivalent about prayer because of something that turned them off to church, strange dogma, odd religion practices, or have had some sort of bad experience dealing with religion period; and have had negative run in's with heretic people who can ruin the things of God for even strongest solider of God if you're not prayed up, and in the word! 

People now days don't understand that prayer is not some quick-fix, at your disposal Genie in the Bottle, Wishing Well device. You don't rub a lamp, and “Poof!” Suddenly your wishes come true, just like on TV. Like on "I Dream of Jennie!" Remember, God can and does gives us the desires of our hearts, just not all of them -- all the time! And of course we think we should get “ALL” our prayers answered in what we think is within reason, right? 

I mean, so what I didn't get that 100 foot yacht, with the heliport, and that Gulf Stream G5 Jet, and that Vector Sports car at 19 like a wanted. What? That was reasonable!... wasn't it? How 'bout that pretty brown eyed girl I thought I loved so badly when I was fourteen, that I thought I just couldn't live without? 

Ah yes, the one who no matter what I did, she just did not think I was the Bee's Knee's (at all), no matter how badly I prayed! Maybe it was because I said things like... Bee's Knee's! Yet years later, when you come across those long lost unrequited persons you pined so badly over, and see them in a different light. Most times after you do see them, you thank the Lord for not letting you get involved with that once special someone you thought was the end all, be all of love! 

Prayers answered is all about timing... things done in God's timing. Pure and simple! At the same time, its about helping us to better maneuver through our mortal existence, along with his wisdom, and at the same time, our choices and decisions on a day to day basis. Imagine having to direct human and earthly traffic from way up there, under those conditions? Phew!

Only God can carry out the blueprint for this grand design called life, and bring us into the knowledge that in this mortal realm, (to use a cliché taken from a famous rock song) “You Can’t Away’s Get What you Want! But if you try sometimes, you just might find. You get what you need!" 

We as humans cannot always see what's up the road ahead! And when the time is right (for me anyway). God has always provided what was needed (that I prayed for) more than just my vainglorious imaginings! 

Then there were and are "plenty" of times when what I prayed for just didn't happen at all. I can surmise there were some pretty good reasons why. Actually there were times when God revealed to me exactly why some of those prayers (and other life situations) I asked for didn't come to past! And the reasoning and answers a lot of the time was simple. Most of the time, it was mainly because what I wanted, or what it was that I was praying was not what I needed at that time, or at all! We ask ourselves all the time. Why do bad things happen to good people? Why do people get hurt, lose everything, or die despite our prayers? 

Why do people get healed or receive a miracle when we pray, and others don't? Because things are done in God's time; for he has laid the fabric of time out on the cosmic table, and only God see's the big picture! Through all this, we still have room to move about, and make choices in free will. Free our paths. Free to choose to do this, and that, and yet and still, God does hear our prayers, helping us along. 

There are times God answers prayers quickly, and in such an immediate supernatural way it boggles the mind. Then there are those prayers that you've forgotten about that were offered up long ago, that are just now being answered (thought he'd forgotten about them, huh?), because the time is right! Prayer is energy, not just idle chatter to oneself! 

Prayer is the direct method of communication with the very creator of the known (and unknown) universe! Sure sometimes (well actually a lot of times) I pout because I can't have my little way if I feel that my prayers aren't being answered. And I mean I stick my lip out, and put on quite a show, just like a 12 year old; because I’m mad that what I asked for just seems to not even be considered! And I know better! 

I'll know straight up and down that I'm wrong because, God does faithfully consider all our prayers. I don't know about the Lamborghini/Park Avenue Apartment prayers though. I think practicality is of the essence sometimes, ya know? But in all seriousness, I really do think its all a matter of his discretion, and again, his timing! Prayer changes things! I've seen it happen. Its happened to me, and to many people around me. Believe me, your prayers "are" heard, whether you feel it, or know it or not! 

Your talks with God are personal, and one to one. They travel like a mighty laser up on high to a heavenly realm, and are always taken seriously. Although we may not always feel it so. Prayer is a very powerful thing indeed! Try it sometimes! God Bless you in Jesus name!

Glenn Peppers 


  1. Your blog post on the power of prayer is very enlightening, reaffirming and was right on time! Your words are powerful! I interpreted this message as if it were written, specifically, for me. After reading it, I went to a quiet space in my home, got down on my knees and commenced to praying. I feel much, much, better now.! I believe in the power of prayer and yet, at times, I am reluctant to pray, as often as I should, because I feel like I'm asking for something, or I am showing just how vulnerable I really am. I'm guilty of "trying" to figure things out - on my own, but it never seems to work or be complete. Your post reaffirms the need to pray and to seek guidance, mercy and grace from the Omnipotent One. I look forward to reading your future blog posts and to expanding by perspective from the corner view.

    1. Thank you for reading my article, Perpetual Student! This paper was something that God put on my heart to write! We all need to stay in contact with God more than we do. But our busy lives seem to always get in the way. Yet, it is alway good to make time for God, and talk to him! One thing I left of my paper was about Praise. This is another form of communication we should utilize more in our talks with God! How amazing is it that we have access to the very creator of the Universe, by closing our eyes (or however you pray), and getting on our knees, and praying! God bless you and your studies. See you around the Corner View!

      Glenn Peppers
