Saturday, December 21, 2013

“If ever I were to Tattoo!...”

“If ever I were to Tattoo!...”
By Glenn Peppers


(Before you read my article on Tattoos. I have to first ask that you to first read this updated disclaimer on the article below that I wrote in December, at the end of 2013. It is January 5, 2014, and I am updating this piece because of some research that I've recently done concerning the "Infinity Symbol" pictured on the tattoo in the photo above the heading. 

My research uncovered the fact that the Infinity Symbol (Actually called an Ouroboros) has certain occult, and/or let's say, mystic implications that I am not comfortable with, given my Born Again status! Outside of what I thought was its mathematical and obvious representation of what eternal means; I found that the symbol the looks like the number 8 turned onto its side represents a Serpent Eating its own Tail! Although I've found this info on countless websites, and other encyclopedia sites. The definition or explanation information listed that I am using here is found in Wikipedia; and reads as follows: 

"The first known appearance of the ouroboros motif is in the Enigmatic Book of the Netherworld, an ancient Egyptian funerary text in KV62, the tomb of Tutankhamun, in the 14th century BC. The text concerns the actions of the god Ra and his union with Osiris in the underworld. In an illustration from this text, two serpents, holding their tails in their mouths, coil around the head and feet of an enormous god, who may represent the unified Ra-Osiris."

Well you can imagine my shock at discovering such a thing! It just goes to show that it always pays to investigate! Especially if you're planning to plaster some sort of sign, symbol or any saying or phrase onto your body. I've also added a new picture to this article that also crystalizes my thoughts on what kind of tattoo one should think about getting, and where to put it! I'll leave the article just as I wrote it in December of 2013 as a testament on just how easily one can become enthralled, and excited enough to unknowingly go out and get branded with signs, symbols, and esoteric endocrinal, religious beliefs that are not our own! So before I could let anyone else read this article. I felt that it had to have a disclaimer, reflecting my true ideals on the tattoo pictured above that I thought was so subtle, and so perfect!) 

Thank you 

Glenn Peppers

Here is my full article below in its entirety!

Now if I were to ever think about getting any sort of tattoo etched onto my body, it would be something like the one in the picture above. This would be a very cool tattoo to have! In fact it would be great! Something small, out of the way, like on the inside of my forearm or on the under side of my wrist; like in the picture above. I think it would look just as cool on my brown skin, as it does on the lighter skinned wrist above! If I had to have one, I'd get a tattoo that is unassuming; not some badly designed children's art scribble, fashioned from some dollar store, stencil/art-vomit template, done at some wayward tattoo shop! One that for whatever reason I can imagine smelling of jasmine incense. Don't ask me why! I know there are no places like that out here... Are they?

Nope, no biker dude named Duley, is gonna carve images into my body! No siree! Especially not if they look like some mad escapee from a mental institution, issuing out the likes of some of the tat's that I see folks getting plastered all over their necks, legs and wherever else on their bodies these days, just on a whim. Especially when folks go out and get cowboy drunk, or are going through a really bad (or even good) time in their lives. Still, there is never a good time for a bad tattoo!

If I were to wear a tattoo, it would have to be something well meaning. I love my elder son's tattoo! It is something that will always remind him of his time and service in the Navy, for a lifetime. It is finely crafted and is creatively set on his upper arm and shoulder area, highlighting and showcasing the Navy, and his own creativity! Yes he actually designed his own tattoo! 

For me, I need not have anything nearly as prestigious or statement filled as a tattoo resembling the ones our military men and women proudly wear! Their tattoo's are truly well meaning, and tell a story! They're somewhat like battle scars; yet I'd go even further as to say, for a great many military folks, they’re tattoos are somewhat like Metals, given their allegiance to their God, country, and branch of service. I’ve noticed that people who serve, wear tattoos to show allegiance to their units, company and/or outfit served, as it reflects they're loyalty, and bravery; and shows honor at having served! 

My tattoo (should I so choose to get one) would be something much more subtle. It would be one that I could look at when I'm 110 and say, "man, that still looks good!" So, for me, "Mother" tattoos are most definitely out! I love my mother dearly, God rest her soul, but even she would come back from the great beyond, and spank my butt for doing something as ridiculous as that! 

There’ll be no lighting bolts, no bared wired (tat’s from the late 1980's/early 1990's), a la Pamela (Barbed Wire Arm Band) Anderson and Kiefer Sutherland's copy cat arm band tattoos. 

No "What the heck is that!"  Mike Tyson Facial horror tattoos, AT ALL! No giant, mid evil gaudy crosses, or Lil’ Wayne/Rod Steiger, all-body “The Illustrated Man” tattoo frenzy’s gone wild thing either!... By no means! Its funny that in today’s days and times, Rod Steiger’s character in the movie (from Ray Bradbury’s novel of the same name) “The Illustrated Man” seems rather tame now, compared to when this was an issue as far as a feature film, back in 1969.

oddly pointy, monstrous snaky lookin' symbols
No tattooed wedding rings! Thank God I had no former lovers, who are now (or would soon have been) long gone lover type tattoos! Tattoos that I desperately would be trying to have laser removed, real quick!  No oddly pointy, monstrous snaky lookin' symbols that I know nothing about will ever get placed on my back or body, period! Heck, the dang thing might start moving around back there and freak me out! 

No skulls, no bulls, No dragons, no monsters or mythic maiden creatures giving me nightmares by staring me in the eye as I glance over at my arm in order to prop myself up in bed, to change sleep positions! Oh and, definitely no neck, chest or finger tattoos! When I saw a young brother with this huge neck tattoo spread across his throat that read, “Hood Rat!” I knew that his days as a Hewlett Packard exec (if he had such aspirations) would most likely never come to fruition!

I certainly will not ever think about getting an Asian tattoo! No offense to anyone Asian, but heck, I don't know what those symbols really mean, or what they're actually saying! Just because I am into the martial arts, does not mean I read, comprehend and/or speak Cantonese or Mandarin! For all I know, they could be plastering, "Eat at Joe's!" in Chinese on my body, and I would never know it! Except for when I go for Chinese take out, and the guy named Joe behind the counter laughs at my tattoo, every time I come into his chinese restaurant!

Jagger Lips
So there it is! Ok I know, it looks and sounds kinda wimpy, and kinda not there, but that's alright with me. I can live with a tattoo that simply says, Love wrapped into an Infinity Symbol! I don’t know if what I’m looking at in the picture above is a raised or branded image tattoo (if there is such a thing) or not. All I know is, I’d never get that tattoo at all if it only came in lugubriously gaudy living color (Now black!... Maybe black could work!) So, no matter how good of a sales person Duley the biker tattoo man is, he’ll never in a million years talk me into getting one of those big azz Mick Jagger tattoo Lips plastered onto my butt cheeks!  

More than that, no one could ever convince me to even look at those awful gigantic red hearts, or any rose (period) tattoo; especially with lightening bolts or arrows running through them! No guns, chains, or movie star picture either! The thought of having a nightmare eyesore tattoo forever emblazoned on my leg, chest, arms or back (or anywhere else for that matter) is terribly distressing! 

I won’t even go into the very idea of genital tattooing! The very mentioning of it gave me frightful goose bumps! Face it; why would I pay someone to do something to me that under normal circumstances, I would either sue the hell out of them for it, or kick the crap out of them, had they caused me that much of pain and embarrassment against my will! In a court of law this kind of treatment its called, "Assault!" 

Can you imagine having an eyesore tattoo in a very up front, and visible place on your body, as something you just gotta live with for the rest of your life, whether you like it or not? Unthinkable!

Think about it, that big ole’ heart or eagle tattoo on your butt oughta look really sweet when you’re 92 years old,  hoping your nurses assistant isn’t laughing when they change your Depends brief, and see’s your wrinkly, droopy old Heart, and tuckered out Eagle and Lightening Bolt tat sagging a whole lot lower than it was some 30 years ago! 

No way! Not this dude! So to those who will, I applaud and commend you! But to those of you who’ll think about it first, and do some careful planning (and much research) on getting a tattoo that fits your lifestyle, and personality. I wish you much Love and Infinity!  

Glenn Peppers

Sunday, December 15, 2013

In Getting Older

“In Getting Older...”

By Glenn Peppers                          12-15-13

Yes, I am one of those December baby's! I'm one of those wintertime, "can't wait for Christmas" type baby's. You know the ones who make all of December, one big giant holiday celebration because our birthday's is close to Christmas! Well, in getting one more year older, further on into my latter fifties, I find that day by day, age is very much indeed apparent! These old bones are really starting to feel their age. 

I truly do believe we have some kind of built in biological warranty (with fine print) clock ticking inside us, telling our bodies... 

"Ok Glenn, its time to slow yo' butt down a notch! Get those eyes checked! Take your medicine! Watch your health conditions more carefully, and stay off the salt!" 

I even love it when all my friends and family, and my Facebook pals fuss at me about my health! You may not believe it but, (excuse my ebonics) "I be Listenin ya'll'!" So thank you to all those out there who know me, and know their way around the alternative health thang! It really does help! 

Its clear to me that my stiffness, and all my other aches and pains, and other conditions is all just apart of life. Heck, everybody has something their dealing with, right? Why should I be an exception to the rule? As far as my situation goes, God has been sending me little messages through various people, books, news articles, and other mediums here and there, reminding me that as far as my health goes, to take better care and "Work with what I got!" 

Real live Wonder Woman

I'm sensing that I need to be more creative in soothing my aches and pain when, where and however I can. I need to Meditate, Pray and Rest more. Which resting is something I surly do not do nearly enough of! Ok, ok! I know I should Exercise more, and stretch more as well. And yes, I know doing both keeps the blood pumping! I do know that when it all boils down to it, life is all a matter of learning how to live Life, and Live more vigorously! 

Life is about working and playing hard. Life is also about love and laughter; and enjoying every little nuance of happiness that life has to give! For so many in this world, pain does factor into the big equation of life. All kinds of pain! So in order to be better prepared for life's twisted dodge ball game with bricks, it helps immensely to know thy self pretty well; and to have good coping skills! Believe me, a whole lot of us are still working on that area!... I am one of many!

I get it that as the years go by, I won't be able to do a great many of the things I use to do. And sure my hair isn't all jet black like it once was; and my skin isn't as perfectly honey brown, and crystal clear as the avatar picture posted above, and on my Facebook page depicts. That picture is a fictional much younger image of me in deep thought, and all meditatively engaged! 

So yes, this picture is a slight embellishment somewhat of what I looked liked eons ago. But its not that far off!... What?... Well it "isn't!" Oh never mind!

Age and Time
Anyway, these days, I see quite a different person in the mirror. Yet deep inside, I still feel like that same bright eyed kid who not so long ago couldn't wait to take on the world! Not so long ago, I was full of wonder and childlike mischief, with impulsive desires and foolish dreams. Underneath this aging shell, I'm still that same guy!  I find myself asking where did that young man I once saw in the mirror for so many of my young years go, and when did he start to look so much like his dad?

Those of you who still have that youthful energy to run fast and hop fences, or turn a cartwheel have no idea how difficult it is coming to grips with the idea that there will be things you can either no longer do, or cannot do as well as you once did them when you were younger. When you foolishly took them for granted! Still, life is such that, you have to carry on and do the very best you can, and then some! You simply must go on!

The one thing I do love about getting older (not old) is that wisdom seems to sink in a lot better in my middle years, than when I was in the twenties! The problem is remembering and retaining what it was that I was becoming so confoundedly enlightened about! 

Yes you guessed it, by getting into my middle years, I'm still not a rocket scientist! Not by any means. But I do seem to grasp things much better these days. Maybe its because I've slowed down a notch or two, and have time to actually read the road signs of life! There's an old saying. "Youth is wasted on the young!" As the years fly by, I finding that there's never been any truer adage ever said! 

In getting older, I've also discovered that in healing, and soothing ones ill's. Its all about quieting ones mind, and strengthening ones heart! This wisdom was acquired over a lifetime of being in touch with God, and being in and around the Martial Arts, and understanding, and utilizing meditation, and praying faithfully. These things have over a lifetime has brought me much wisdom and healing; and has remained a source-point of great calm and peace within me; and at the same time helped me to achieve, great power (and no, not like Spiderman type great power!) within me! 

My Heroes 
So daily, in one capacity or another, I do these things, along with prayer to God through Jesus Christ who strengthens me. And when I do these things, my body usually follows along with what my mind and heart are doing! So in a word, I am my own Pied Piper! Remember, one is never too old to build another dream, or climb another mountain! Or play video games!

Have we really become a shadow of ourselves?
I hope that when the day comes, when you find yourselves, just a little bit slower, and just that little bit more tired going up the stairs, you'll remember, that in getting older, you will have traveled many roads, and seemed to have lived many lifetimes. 

You'll remember that there was a time when you once helped others who were older, and have come along in their years. Now it is you who just may need a helping hand, or a kind word from someone younger, stronger, and just like you, were unaware just how precious life really is in ones youth! 

For in your life span, life, times, and circumstance will change in a heartbeat. People will change. As will yourself! My advice to all of you... Live all your Life. For All of your Life! God Bless you all!

Glenn Peppers

Monday, December 9, 2013

“Prayer is a very Powerful Thing”

“Prayer is a very Powerful Thing”
   By Glenn Peppers

I think it was in author Betty Eadie's book, "Embraced by the Light" (her book reflecting on her near death experience), where she described being taken up on her way to heaven (or a place like it) by an angel after she had passed away in the hospital. Betty described gliding through the atmosphere along with this angel, through the stratosphere, and through space, and seeing the earth below her. 

As she traveled along with this angel, she said she saw all these thousand's and thousand's beams of light or energy beams emanating up from the planet, and reaching out into infinity! She was told that what she was seeing was the many prayers of millions of people praying and talking to God shooting out into the heavens, on their way to him like etherial laser messages to the throne! 

Although I can we can't see these beams of light emanating from this spiritual energy with our earthly eyes, I feel this energy as I pray at times! To be honest about it; this description doesn’t sound too farfetched, in that when communicating with the astronauts on the moon and in space; and with the Mars Land Rover, Nasa’s communication signals were and are sent on Laser Beams. What better way to send a signal all those hundreds of thousands (and maybe even millions) of miles away through deep space. Imagine seeing such a sight!  I know that to some folks, prayer seems ridiculous, childish and foolhardy. 

Yet in reality, prayer is actually very powerful! And I'll only say this once... Faith is the activation device involved in prayer. God responds to faith! Faith in and of itself is an energy source as well! You have to believe in order to pray, or you wouldn't even consider doing so. For in doing so, you are trusting that God is hearing and considering your prayers! Some people pray out of desperation. Even in that situation, there is a measure of faith involved, because in order to come to that place in your life, you have to believe that talking to God would indeed work. The this is good because, God does hear you! For if and when you do pray, you are unbeknownst to yourself having faith! Its that easy!

I guess some people feel ambivalent about prayer because of something that turned them off to church, strange dogma, odd religion practices, or have had some sort of bad experience dealing with religion period; and have had negative run in's with heretic people who can ruin the things of God for even strongest solider of God if you're not prayed up, and in the word! 

People now days don't understand that prayer is not some quick-fix, at your disposal Genie in the Bottle, Wishing Well device. You don't rub a lamp, and “Poof!” Suddenly your wishes come true, just like on TV. Like on "I Dream of Jennie!" Remember, God can and does gives us the desires of our hearts, just not all of them -- all the time! And of course we think we should get “ALL” our prayers answered in what we think is within reason, right? 

I mean, so what I didn't get that 100 foot yacht, with the heliport, and that Gulf Stream G5 Jet, and that Vector Sports car at 19 like a wanted. What? That was reasonable!... wasn't it? How 'bout that pretty brown eyed girl I thought I loved so badly when I was fourteen, that I thought I just couldn't live without? 

Ah yes, the one who no matter what I did, she just did not think I was the Bee's Knee's (at all), no matter how badly I prayed! Maybe it was because I said things like... Bee's Knee's! Yet years later, when you come across those long lost unrequited persons you pined so badly over, and see them in a different light. Most times after you do see them, you thank the Lord for not letting you get involved with that once special someone you thought was the end all, be all of love! 

Prayers answered is all about timing... things done in God's timing. Pure and simple! At the same time, its about helping us to better maneuver through our mortal existence, along with his wisdom, and at the same time, our choices and decisions on a day to day basis. Imagine having to direct human and earthly traffic from way up there, under those conditions? Phew!

Only God can carry out the blueprint for this grand design called life, and bring us into the knowledge that in this mortal realm, (to use a cliché taken from a famous rock song) “You Can’t Away’s Get What you Want! But if you try sometimes, you just might find. You get what you need!" 

We as humans cannot always see what's up the road ahead! And when the time is right (for me anyway). God has always provided what was needed (that I prayed for) more than just my vainglorious imaginings! 

Then there were and are "plenty" of times when what I prayed for just didn't happen at all. I can surmise there were some pretty good reasons why. Actually there were times when God revealed to me exactly why some of those prayers (and other life situations) I asked for didn't come to past! And the reasoning and answers a lot of the time was simple. Most of the time, it was mainly because what I wanted, or what it was that I was praying was not what I needed at that time, or at all! We ask ourselves all the time. Why do bad things happen to good people? Why do people get hurt, lose everything, or die despite our prayers? 

Why do people get healed or receive a miracle when we pray, and others don't? Because things are done in God's time; for he has laid the fabric of time out on the cosmic table, and only God see's the big picture! Through all this, we still have room to move about, and make choices in free will. Free our paths. Free to choose to do this, and that, and yet and still, God does hear our prayers, helping us along. 

There are times God answers prayers quickly, and in such an immediate supernatural way it boggles the mind. Then there are those prayers that you've forgotten about that were offered up long ago, that are just now being answered (thought he'd forgotten about them, huh?), because the time is right! Prayer is energy, not just idle chatter to oneself! 

Prayer is the direct method of communication with the very creator of the known (and unknown) universe! Sure sometimes (well actually a lot of times) I pout because I can't have my little way if I feel that my prayers aren't being answered. And I mean I stick my lip out, and put on quite a show, just like a 12 year old; because I’m mad that what I asked for just seems to not even be considered! And I know better! 

I'll know straight up and down that I'm wrong because, God does faithfully consider all our prayers. I don't know about the Lamborghini/Park Avenue Apartment prayers though. I think practicality is of the essence sometimes, ya know? But in all seriousness, I really do think its all a matter of his discretion, and again, his timing! Prayer changes things! I've seen it happen. Its happened to me, and to many people around me. Believe me, your prayers "are" heard, whether you feel it, or know it or not! 

Your talks with God are personal, and one to one. They travel like a mighty laser up on high to a heavenly realm, and are always taken seriously. Although we may not always feel it so. Prayer is a very powerful thing indeed! Try it sometimes! God Bless you in Jesus name!

Glenn Peppers 

Sunday, December 8, 2013

“Nelson Mandela’s Fortitude of the Soul”

“Nelson Mandela’s Fortitude of the Soul”
(A Journey of Long Suffering onto Victory)
By Glenn Peppers                                  

     A good Facebook friend asked would things have been different if Nelson Mandela had been either released from prison years ago. Interesting enough, I thought that same question years ago in my younger days; yet after much thought it has become my reasoning that Mandela's long incarceration or imprisonment was something that only a man of his caliber could have handled, and used to his, (and South Africa's) advantage. I know this sounds atrocious but, in some strange way Nelson Mandela's hardship of incarceration in the name of freedom had to happen. Why? 

Because Nelson Mandela (possibly unbeknownst to even himself at the outset) became somewhat of a symbol! A symbol of anguish, and of pain and the harsh disenfranchisement that South African Blacks endured. It was from there onto becoming a symbol of justice and liberation, through long suffering, and by example; Nelson Mandela's quiet fortitude, and peaceful struggle became an inspiration to those who have fought and waited for freedom in South Africa. His struggle echoed in other places around the globe suffering from the injustices war, intolerance, and genocidal conditions the world over. Mandela’s suffering gave face to a condition of apartheid that had to be exposed, dissected and then finally altogether, dissolved! 

     Had Nelson Mandela's mindset and actions been any other way, I feel that deKlerk and South Africa would not have (so completely) seen the error of its ways, and abolished apartheid! We should never forget that while South Africa was swimming in a stew of hate, murder and intolerance, The world was watching! Through quiet solitude and woe, the walls of bondage and servitude were being knocked down in South Africa; and all inspired by one man’s anguish behind bars. Nelson Mandela!

Sometimes, it is the gentleness of ones spirit that shines through withered eyes, and graying hair, reflecting time and desolation of the soul. Yet at the same time revealing power through patience and stedfastness! A day by day stedfastness that evolves into a place of triumph over great adversity. A patient yet powerful gentleness that is much better received, and is far more affective than any harsh words of bitterness, regret, or the scourge of war! 

     Mandela's story is one that has shown us that seemingly hopeless adversity can, blossom into a beautiful timeless legacy. A legacy that yields change, and brings forth mighty accomplishments (i,e. becoming the President of South Africa, and a champion of peace) despite adversity! Through such quiet long suffering, Nelson Mandela has shone the world that we “All” can indeed overcome! 

Glenn Peppers