Thursday, May 26, 2011

So long Oprah... See ya Around!

Through the annals of time and history, Oprah will be thought of higher than the likes of Cleopatra, and even the Queen of England (any of them)! What a touch of heaven this woman has brought to humankind, unbeknownst to even herself at times; not always knowing or understanding that she was a vehicle, a vessel if you will, to millions of souls. Millions of hurting souls! Over the years, I've peered at the many tabloid headlines dissing and hating on Oprah. Always putting her down because of her weight, her business decisions, and her relationship with Stedmen, you name it! Through all the public scorn and jealous minded haters, she prevailed and helped empower an entire generation and a half of women and men to become what they never thought possible; and that is "Any and everything they wanna be!" As a man who has always been into the whole Self-Help therapy way of life. Oprah was a shot in the arm for all those who walked this earth trying to understand themselves, and where they fit into this jagged puzzle called life. To all the haters of this woman and her accomplishments, I say, "Shame on you! Your green eyed monster is showing!" How can you hate anyone who has gifted so many with so much? As an old man use to tell us as kids, "What have YOU done to better mankind?" I feel blessed to have loosely shared the same time/space continuum with her. Do you realize thousands of years from now, Oprah will be heralded as a one of the most influential/key major figures in human history, besides that of Martin Luther King and Henry Ford as people who actually made a difference in this cockeyed world? As Oprah steps away, we have to take in all the lessons and real world advice from the last 25 years and put it all to work. Our Beautiful Bird has given us permission to leave the nest and go fly on our own now! Suddenly, I find that such a beautiful word... OWN!  

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