Thursday, November 2, 2017

“So Evil Wakes up Early in the Morning...”

Evil Lurking about

“So Evil Wakes up Early in the Morning...”

(How ‘bout You?)

By Glenn Peppers          
A Minister once told me something in short that was really quite wise indeed! It is something that has rang true in my life so many times I can't even count how many times its proven itself! I've expounded on his words a bit in order to write this piece! And my expression from his wisdom, and my personal recollections of the topic at hand goes something like this. 

"Evil things and Evil People are always on time! People who are Evil will get they're butts up early in the morning and get right dead on the job of being EVIL! Up and at at’em! Testing your faith, and causing you havoc! Evil will waste no time at the business of being Evil! Evil things and people are never late! They are never tired, and they never miss an opportunity to go after anything good in order to destroy it! 

Good and decent people often Lolly-gag, procrastinate, and become complacent, lazy, unbelieving, and walk around completely in denial that there are forces out here in the works that literally wants to destroy you and yours! Be they Evil people, or just plain Evil incarnate, lying in wait for you at every turn!

Evil most times sits in the front row, at school and at church! It is often sitting by you at home, and on the bus! I don’t even have to tell you that Evil is always lurking around you at your Job! 

Evil is always waiting for you to give it just one inch! To turn your back just one time, and to be weak and careless as often as you can, because Evil will always be there, every time to catch you in your weakest hour... To temp you! 

To make you stumble, and to eventually take everything away from you, if you let it! The one good thing that comes from all this brazen acknowledgement of Evil is that you can in fact, resist Evil!

Good people are like Gold, we’re beautiful, yet foolishly malleable in that we bend way to easy before we show any signs of breaking! Good people are generally often quite gullible, and far too easy going, and Andy Gump blind to the fact that there is always someone or SOMETHING out and about in the world, slaving behind the wizard’s flowing curtains; pulling the marionette strings of Evil in your life, trying to drag you down! 

When you are not in tune to this wisdom. If you do not have God in your life in order to fight off and resist Evil, that means you are indeed late getting up in the morning! 

And if you are late to the table, you are late in your own realization and mindset of life! As a result, The Evil Early Bird who has awakened before you will indeed nab you and your juicy little worm, and devour you both all in one big swallow! 

I suggest that today is a good day to follow what James says in James chapter four, Verse seven!... 

James 4:7 KJV

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you!” 

God’s Love and Speed my friends!

Glenn Peppers   

3-3-2017 10:30am --- 
Updated November 2, 2017 4:34pm

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