Sunday, December 6, 2015

“So why is Christmas Time Charlie Brown considered Evil?”

“So why is Christmas Time Charlie Brown considered Evil?”

(Parents hide your children from the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown)
By Glenn Peppers 
Strangely enough, this is truly (in its own odd little way) a sign of the times ya'll! If you've read the article above. Like me, you were probably shocked! 

I indeed was shocked until I remembered that these things were prophesied to happen in these days and times just before great tribulation occurs!

That time to come, that is now here when good is now considered bad, and evil is thought of as good! The people who posted this disclaimer are of the same ilk who wanted to set up and worship a statue of the enemy of God, the Lord of Host himself, and of all humankind at Burt's Place (a beloved BBQ restaurant and longtime entertainment spot) in downtown Detroit, Michigan's, Eastern Market area.

So this is how the world is turning, and turning fast at that! The signs are here! In the sky, in the water, The extreme violence everywhere. The urgency to eradicate anything of God and Christ and the Holy Spirit! 

The rampant rudeness in soceity. Not to mention the immense cruelty and lack of respect for human life, and all of earth's inhabitants that we are in charge of. Be they animal, sea life, or birds of the air.

There is this wild animalistic distain for anyone who appears to be under God's protection and favor for believing in the Word, and the promise of life eternal by the shed blood of Jesus. The Son of the Creator of all that exist, in and beyond the known and unknown universe!

Amazing that It takes a common cartoon that has been a simple reflection of peace on earth in a season of giving for more than 50 years to rile the bowels of hatred in people who if they could, would destroy God's message of hope for everyone! If you don't believe in God. Why should you even care?

So in analysis; senseless murders doesn't rile people anymore! Yet the thought of a living God somehow does! Children dying in the streets doesn't anger anyone anymore! Just the story of Jesus in Bethlehem as told by a children's cartoon drives people who hate God insane! Why do these simple things seem to inflame the world more than the serious wretched issues that are actually plaquing the world? 

It has apparently been bothering them in all actuality, more than what the world has on its platter right now! The channeling of negative energy into making a children's cartoon out to be something nefariously evil, or threatening is disappointing to say the least! 

And what about "You're a Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown!" So ghost and goblin's and other creepy things that represent Halloween aren't considered frightening or negatively evil threatening influence on children? Just the sights, sounds and images of Christmas?

I find it outlandish that a sincere message of peace, hope and salvation is now considered a fanatical rant in America, and not cartoons as seen on Cartoon Network (and may other children's networks) that use mild cuss words. Or show cartoons that display repulsive images and toilet humor; or cartoons with children vomiting, and passing gas, etc. 

Even exposing them to hellish characters, and symbols and images, and doing a host of other vile things. And all in cartoon form!

So the antics of Cartoon Network is the kind of thing that is presentable to your children? No wonder kids these days are running amuck, fighting like pit bulls, and twerking like pole dancers. All sexually charged and rebellious in the schools, and at home and on the street!

So now we've come to that place in America where "Peace on Earth, and Goodwill towards Mankind" is a now considered a message of hate, and is somehow threatening and in need of a disclaimer? This truly is a sad day in America!
God bless us, one and all!

Glenn Peppers

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