Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Money (how its used to herd us about)


Roughly 200 Million Dollars in cash
(How its used to herd us about)

By Glenn Peppers June 10th 2015

One things for certain. There’s not very much you can do in this world without money! Everyday rich and powerful people with money make decisions with it! They wield power with it! A great many of the super rich have made money their God, and worship it in every aspect of their lives! With haughty pride, they enjoy moving and shaking things up no matter where we are standing on that big multi lane highway of progress! People with huge sums of money herd those without money around like cattle. They kill businesses. And they also build businesses! Especially if those businesses will benefit them and their cronies!

One things is for certain. Money is power, and without it, you are basically powerless, in a worldly sort of way! Yet in any financial situation, if one is not savvy enough to make enough money, or if you're not smart enough to keep hold of, and make more money. Chances are that person will soon surly lose their money, and FAST! For money does have wings!

One other thing is for certain, and that is money is a tool! It can be used for good, and it can be used to control the masses! Um, that would be average everyday people like us. Rich folks control industry, and untold places and localities around the world, and a lot of other things you'd never imagine could be moved or manipulated! A group of super rich people with money can move mountains! Yet thousands of us regular folk without it can barely get together and move a paper drive! That’s why we have to stay humble! It is our good naturedness that makes up for our lack of greed and covetousness that the super rich suffer from!

Those with money do plenty of bending and shaping of this world, and carry us along by their trade winds of change, often without our knowledge and say so, caring not what happens to us! Ah, but even as this occurs, I say do not be disheartened! Always know this!... 

After it is all said and done. In the end, God owns every stitch of paper material that money is printed on! The creator of the universe owns every plastic credit card, and digital footprint of money projected on any form of currency, coin, or banknotes in denomination of tender worldwide, and in all of existence since the beginning of time! So just because you don't have a lot of money, doesn't mean you cannot live! Life makes a way! God intervenes! God changes things! He is the ultimate mover and shaker! He may not always make you rich, but he will help you take care of the things that needs to be done in life!
Always remember that it is true, for some of those who have money, for one reason or another, one day they may not have or maintain the riches they once had; and this one finale thing is most definitely certain! Once you leave this earth, no matter how much money you have amassed in your life, you sure as heck cannot take it with you! That my friend, rich or poor is for Certain!
Glenn Peppers 

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