Monday, May 5, 2014

“Hopelessness” (The Rot of the Soul Begets Crime)

(The Rot of the Soul Begets Crime)
By Glenn Peppers

Of all the terrible, terrible things written and spoken of in the news media here of late. It is more than evident that this world is completely losing its moral fiber, and whatever scruples it has left that once made this country a great place to be apart of, at one time. I blame part of this on how -- over time, various peoples have been systemically punished, shunned, displaced, minus’ed out; factored out, devalued and diminished simply because of who they are. Bringing about this dreadful sense of despair and hopelessness among many!  

As a result, a great many people in this world are angry! Some are hungry. Most are basically broken people who are, addicted, defeated and dejected. At the same time, many more are really quite talented, and creative, yet have no real vehicle or outlet for their skills and desires to make a decent living from their skill sets. Leaving one, hopelessly frustrated! 

There are scores of people in this world who feel they have nothing left to lose by doing whatever it takes, or whatever comes to mind as a reaction to the pain. Even if that action or reaction is crime or murder!

I am noticing more and more that people these days do not value human life anymore! How can they, when no one seems to values theirs... at all? What has the fruit of their own labor and cries in their hearts ever begotten them in value? What has living and being without ever shown them besides pain, resentment and disappointment? 

I’ve watched as folks have come to a place where they willingly have dispel the ways of the creator, and tossed to the four winds common sense, and a peaceful disposition; opting to succumb to darkness, anger and spiteful primal actions, and reactions to an unfair life; caring not what happens to themselves, or anyone else! 

I feel that this decline in humanity and in things gentle and well meaning will only continue to get worse, as humankind continues to turn its back on the common man and woman, as well as on the laws of the universe that God has set in place to govern, benefit and judge the actions of mankind! Let us pray, one and all!

Glenn Peppers

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