Thursday, February 13, 2014



(The Trend that seemingly won’t go Away!) 

By Glenn Peppers                         2-13-14

I find it odd that all of a sudden in the last 15 to 20 years or so, people have such issues with how to wear their clothing! Folks wear their underwear to Wal-Mart. Their Pajamas just about anywhere! And at one time because of that rap act Kris-Cross, folks started wearing their clothes backwards... in wild crazy colors along with being backwards! Now you have men wearing Skinny Jeans, Women wearing Leotards and or Tights as outer wear! And the ever-annoying, yet long dead (get over it already) Pants around the Butt thing from men, seemingly of all cultures. Young and old! 
Justin Bieber

So I guess that old stereotype of the thong wearing, low jean sporting females, and the repair man or plumber bent over fixing the sink, revealing his hairy cheeks on his back end is not the only butt revealing thing going on these days! My question (much like yours) is simple... What the heck is Wrong People? Is it that bad?

Shorts in WINTER?... WHY?

Apparently this enigma doesn't stop with personal everyday clothing. It has even gone over into outer wear! What's the deal on people, in the dead of winter, in subzero degree temperatures wearing winter coats and summer shorts with tennis shoes and no socks? I'm not getting that one at all! I mean, why even wear a coat at all for that matter? And they say the emergency rooms are filled with people fighting colds and the flu and upper respiratory aliments... Gee I wonder WHY?

I find peoples eversion to wearing any sort of hat or hood in the freezing cold and in a snow storm, or not even buttoning their coats at all disturbing. These kids now days with these waist length jackets (with no lining). No gloves, no scarfs, and a pair of stereo headphones for earmuffs is very noticeable! 

Oh wait, that brings me to my next odd people observation! Folks walking around in the dead of winter with no coats on, AT ALL! So tell me, is it that bad out here where people are either losing their minds to where they no longer dress for the weather, or is it they just don't give a care? And please don't give me that, "Maybe they can't afford a coat line!" Believe me, anyone in need of a coat clearly shows how cold and uncomfortable they are without proper winter wear! 

Or are these people we see doing this not quite normal (or human for that matter)? So this sudden eversion to clothing; either wearing it wrong, not wearing it all, or wearing clothes Out of Context means something. What it is I do not know!... If you know what this is supposed to say, Please Enlighten Me!

A thought came to me the other day. I thought to myself, "Is this the next phase in Darwin's so-called evolution theory?" If this is that, then I think there must definitely be a flaw in Darwin's whole evolutionary theory process, in that this appears to be some sort of Backwards/De-Evolutionary activity I would call, "Dumb-dom!" 

Sagging in tandem

We as a species must not be very concerned about our average everyday problems and issues at hand when we have time to occupy ourselves walking around physically holding up our pants (totally ignoring a perfectly good belt), as our economy goes south, or say for instance, if I take a notion to raise both my hands or applaud anything, my goofy pants'll fall to the floor!... Give me a break! ! Why do I need the added worry that because I wear my pants around my butt, that if I let go of them, they will fall to the floor? HUH, really? Com'on people!

As the earth's crust shifts, and meteors and comets glide eerily close past our planet, and it snows in Texas, and winter storms riddle Atlanta, Ga, and increase with intensity world wide; as we sit idly by and watch the world go to hell in a hand basket. I have to hold my pants up during all that? I have this image in my head of the constant motion of holding up my pants with one or both hands! The very thought drives me crazy! Think of it! With all that stuff on my mind, and going on around me, all I'd need is another bothersome thing weighing me down, like grabbing at my pants! After decades of having worry-free pants that fit, I all of a sudden would have that ever annoying need to grab at my dang pants in order to keep them up, in an apocalypse! That alone would push me right over the edge! How annoying!

I'd hate to think that all that would be available or sold on clothing store racks everywhere are pants designed solely to hang just below my butt or just above my knees! So in other words, that would mean that I now would have to learn how to walk around with what use to be a free hand (or two), and now hold my pants up just below my butt! Now I ask you, is this not one of the most exhaustingly depressing ideas imaginable?... Sigh!!!

To be perfectly honest with you, I'd rather wear a Kilt! Yet not having any known Scottish heritage about me, I think in all actuality I'd prefer simply wearing silken Afrocentric Robes and various classy linen Dashiki's. I'm also partial to soft sleek Egyptian cut layered pant and shirt Linen outfits, and espadrilles and sandals (I was never a Nike kinda guy anyways)! 

Heck, I'd even grow some serious Dread Locks, or let my naturally curly afro grow back out to my old 1970's style length. Come to think of it, I think I'd look rather handsome in my Afrocentric garb! I'd make an appointment, and sit down with famous Walking Stick creator, and renowned artist, David Philpot, and have a world class, jeweled Rain and/or Walking Stick designed, just for me! My style of clothing (casual and dress wear) would be something not too fancy or overdone, yet clearly classy, sexy, afrocentric, and masculine! So as you may have guessed by now, clothing being worn or taken out of context is clearly not for me! I'll leave that for the followers of folly. The foolishly trendy, and those who have no real sense of individuality and style!

Glenn Peppers

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