Saturday, January 27, 2018

“So Why Then Aren’t People from the Netherlands Migrating to America?”

“So Why Then Aren’t People from the Netherlands Migrating to America?”

(I just Wonder!)

By Glenn Peppers

Dear good people of the Netherlands. The man who in charge of our country here in America, Donald Trump wants to know why more people from the Netherlands and that region of the world aren’t migrating over here to our America! I haven’t talk to anyone from the Netherlands, so I am assuming that there is a reason why there isn’t a giant onslaught and influx of people from the Netherlands flocking over here to the United States! Here’s just a few reasons that I can think of off the top of my head as to why! Now I could be wrong though! So please correct me if I am in fact wrong!

Personally, I don’t think that the average Netherlander would want to give up their clean public drinking water for poisoned, and  possible lead laced municipal drinking and potable water that so many of our cities and communities are suffering with (can you say Flint, Michigan for starters?)! 

I assume the average Netherlander would not, or could not sleep well hearing gunshots and ambulances and EMS units running all night, every night in the city. I’m also guessing that would depend on where it is you’d live within or just around the city though, wouldn’t it?

I wouldn’t think any of you folks from that region would appreciate working a job that pays far less of a minimum or average wage than what you are use to being paid back in the Netherlands! I’m guessing that you wouldn’t want to give up your free healthcare and medical treatment either, huh? Neither all those many weeks of job holiday, and vacation time, as well as that good amount of sick and maternity leave!

Hmmm, I wonder how would the newly migrated Netherlander would deal with living in a place where the murder rate is worse than living in say, Beirut! Would you fancy living in a place where the gun violence rate is so high that it is like that of some war torn regions in the middle east? Not to mention all the domestic terrorism and the many possible school shootings, and all the possible random movie theater, and open air concert shootings by angry and visibly disturbed white men on a mission!  

I wondered if you’d appreciate living in a place whose public school system’s clandestine goal appears to be one of preparing their youth more for imprison than for college! I don’t think the average Netherlander wants their children involved one bit with the public school, minority Prison Pipeline Population!... Fresh from school, and onto Jail! 

Would you send your children to any public schools where they boast unqualified teachers, old work out of outdated school books, and encourage an intentionally failed learning curriculum? Would your child feel comfortable being around uniformed, and plain clothes police officers, and other threatening and intimidating forces of authority all day long within their public school systems? People whose presence alone is enough to gender fear, and escalate tension among the syudents, and incite violence! 

Just the very presence of Prison Style Law Enforcement within your child’s schools, along with possible gang and other urban activities, causes disruption and impedes learning, and therefore largely prepares (in some cases) regularly ordinary disobedient children off to detention bootcamps, and jails for minor things they’d normally be sent to the principles office for! 

How would you deal with the fact that your child, and some of the more troubled youth among your children could be placed on one or more mood elevating tranquilizing drugs in order to calm them down... as the saying goes? A lot of the time, the medical end of the school system’s educational team will deem those students who act up in school as being emotionally impaired, and even criminals in need of psychotic drugs in order to contain or control them. Literally prepping them as it were for either life on the street, or for a life behind bars, in prison where they’ll probably work for free within the prison itself for various large corporations, making only pennies! Or at the very least, if they are not smart or do not stay out of trouble will end up working within the fast food industry or doing manual labor! But before you judge, mind you, this is not the case in every school public school system in America! Although this goes on in a great many of them in urban areas!

Personally, it’s hard for me to see those smiling, stress-free looking faces of you Nordics who live by lush green flowery canals, living in these beautiful little cottage style bungalows, and fairy tale homes traveling all the way over here to America in order to pay sky high taxes, and succumbing to the vicious mortgage, and 401K finance schemes!... I mean, even though you have a pretty heavy debt in the Netherlands, you've maintained the beauty and splendor of your homeland! 

I cringed just thinking about the fact that any good Netherlander would give up all that good food I read so much about that you guys normally eat on a regular basis, in order to ingest our sometimes quite substandard fowl and livestock, as well as this vast transformational inflow of GMO fruits and vegetables that is filling our supermarkets, and is largely unregulated and in most cases! Food that is sometimes recalled because of bacterias and contaminations. Or foods that have been mislabeled and/or chemically laden with every kind of pesticide and preservative know to modern science! 

I shutter to think of the looks on your faces if you had to drink some of our tap water in certain locals that are loaded with fluoride, and all those noticeable levels of chlorine, and those untraceable yet tasteless amounts of sediment and arsenic; and from what I read that is also in most city drinking water, some sort of Microbial Cyst! Hey!... Google it! It tripped me the hell out as well!

I just don’t see many of you good people from the Netherlands coming to a place where coastal cities like California, and an almost entire west coast region of America from Washington State, on down to Oregon and south into California is on Fire a great deal of the time inside of a year.... EVERY YEAR! 

California is at present suffering from some pretty significant Mudslides, Sink Holes and then there’s that ever potential threat of an Extinction Level Event, killer Earthquake or series of Earthquakes! 

I won’t even go into that whole thing about what if the Volcano located underneath Yellowstone National Park (located not very far from Los Angeles, California) erupts! 

I just find it hard to believe that people from such a beautiful, and peaceful little country would give up all that they have, and all that they are to move to places along our eastern seaboard, along the Atlantic! Just out of curiosity, would you be prepared to live in coastal areas that suffer regularly from extreme weather with Hurricanes and Tornados, and historic biblical style tropical weather, and other natural catastrophes? 

A place where from Florida to Maine, for almost half of the year there is an active  Hurricane Season! A season bringing raging high category, and hurricane winds and tropical rain storms nothing short of apocalyptic! Wiping out whole entire caribbean islands, along with their infrastructures and landmark land masses in its path!

If you live in the Netherlands, I really wonder would you migrate to a place that’s constantly under the threat of a nuclear attack from Korea’s ever bragging, and more than insane leader? A man who is always clucking about how close his finger is to the proverbial Dooms Day Button is on his desk? 

Seriously, would you really move to America knowing that our leader is also constantly threatening to Nuke Korea and its leader, and his small Asian country off the map with what he says are an even bigger cache of Nuclear Weapons! Both men squabbling like school yard twelve year olds, about whose got the biggest We-We in their pants, just about every other month or so?

Well, I left so many reason why out. I just couldn’t cover them all! In a way, trying to do so is pointless! Yet it makes for a good analogy! In seeing how beautiful and how harmonious the Netherlands appears to be to me from pictures and video clips. I’m just wondering, if you were to move here from that beautiful little country called the Netherlands. What would be the take away in it for you?... 

Besides maybe a business deal, or an investment situation, where you’d sign a deal and then take in the sights and sounds of this whacky place where I live called America, and then fly back home to Oz! What would be the plus, the perk or the advantage for you in living here in America? I wonder!

Glenn Peppers

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