Sunday, May 7, 2017

“There is no Better Teacher than The Holy Spirit!”

“There is no Better Teacher than The Holy Spirit!”

                      By Glenn Peppers                                                                     May 7, 2017 6:10am

I've found this to be so true! The Holy Spirit has been for me, The Bringer of much Divine Knowledge, and has been the one true source of supernatural, and infinite knowledge to that mortal degree on which humans are allowed!

Always a gentleman, and never pushy or exploitive. The Holy Spirit takes time with you. Let's you grow, and is patient with you in your young years as you develop, allowing for our normal human faliures and complexities of life, and human error, and life's temptations. Even as God brings us along in our many victories in life!

It is byway of the Holy Spirit that I as a young man began to understood what it meant to grow into the knowledge, of the things of God! Byway of Jesus Christ, these and many other Life Lessons, and Life Trials and Life Experiences I got through because of that still small voice inside me called the Holy Spirit that God gifted me with. Carefully, and inconspicuously guiding me with his ever present spirit that protected and encompassed me, and even sent along Angels to me when needed!
God reached in more times than I will ever know to pull me out of sickness, mortal and personal danger, my own foolishness, and a sea of heartache and loss that stalked and lurked just outside of my mortal sight on more occasions than I could ever expect! Hey! One things for sure, I ain't perfect!

Most times I'm not a very good example of what a Born Again Believer should be! I think overall I have a huge angels heart! I cuss too much! And I am the biggest-childish older adult you'll ever know! But regardless of my immaturities, a great lot of the time, I am right where I am supposed to be in the Lord!
Face it, if I had to be perfect before coming to to the Lord, what would I need the Lord for? Where I lack, he forgives! Where I fall, he helps me up! When I become hardheaded and want things my way, even though I know God's way is better. He waits me out, and never says, "See! I told ya so!"

But more than any of the many rescues, and the Life Lessons, it is the wisdom, and the Comfort that God imparts onto me byway of the Holy Spirit that I feel most often! One thing is for certain, God will turn you into a scholar! If not anything else, He demands that you read! That you study! That you learn! God is a God of Intelligence, and logic! Look around at his many creations throughout the Universe and tell me this isn't so!

One Minister I came along when I was a young man use to say that, "You may not be a reader before you become Born Again. But you'll sure become one afterwards!" He called this "The School of the Holy Spirit!"

And believe me!... This is one school that exemplifies the phrase, Life Long Learning! And if you remember being in school and enjoying it, you know and remember that Learning was and is Fun! Being in Love with God, and his loving Spirit, and his Wonderful Son is a Life Long Journey, and learning experience! A journey that will teach you more about yourself than you'll ever dream. Getting to know God will be a journey that will bring you closer to him everyday, byway of his Holy Spirit! In just a short time, you come to know that getting to know God is a Learning Adventure that you'll carry with you on into eternity!

Glenn Peppers

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