Sunday, December 18, 2016

“In Defense of a Black Woman’s Right to Pain, and Therefore Cry!....”

“In Defense of a Black Woman’s Right to Pain, and Therefore Cry!....”

By Glenn Peppers                                                       December 16, 2016 4:02am

“This piece started out as a comment on one of my Facebook post. And a friend of mine liked it so much that she wanted a copy of it! So I thought that if she wanted a copy of it. Maybe more women of color would like to read my little assay on what I thought of a black woman’s generational, and unsung pain and suffering that has been so grossly over looked for centuries! I felt that sharing it on The Corner View was a good way to spread it around. So, I hope you enjoy my prospectives, and through this piece will expound, open up feel free to express your hurt and pain through whatever means you feel necessary. And please do share if you can!..”

They say that black women complain! They whine! They Bitch about Everything! As much as they’ve gone through over the 600 years here in america, with just about everybody, in every culture! I should think that they would have the right to complain, if not just a little bit!

I think it is so unconscionable and insensitive to think that after all a black woman has endures, and has suffered through that she has no right to protest, or no room to cry! No one has suffered and yet still tirelessly helped along virtually every human culture of the western world that they've come in contact with since Genesis! 

Baring children while nursing white babies, while at the same time (back in slavery and just after that in Jim Crow), taking care of and nursing just about everybody else's children while their own children ate food of lesser quality. And wore clothing worn and tattered while white babies were cleaned and pressed in new clothes and shoes, and eating well; not to mention the slap in the face of having to raise those children as their own for over a lifetime, despite their own health issues and woes, and to have those now grown children, deny you! Ignore you and treat you like a dog, as if they hadn’t sucked life’s nutrients from your breast as an infant! As if you’ve never patched their skinned knees, or hemmed their torn jeans!

Often times going completely unsung, a black woman's knowledge (Math and Science) factors are astounding! A black woman's pain, as well as her ability to absorb and withstand pain-registers off the charts! And her beauty is almost always envied and copied the world over! Every culture seemingly wants a black woman's lips, hips, hair, eyes, walk, legs, neckline, vocal abilities, swag and deep nurturing mother earth qualities that some cultures lack in completeness! Then to be treated so badly by their own male counterparts is an atrocity! Especially since a black woman would and in most cases would do anything to keep her man a float! Bring him along, and make him a King!

The black male's failure to hail and acknowledge these queenly attributes in his mother, sisters, aunties and life partner is surly our biggest short coming! Through decades of Social Engineering and many other controlled conditions. Those who would are and have been in the process of trying to weed out, and separate these good qualities out of black women for many a year by pushing and selling the Rump Shaker Circus Sideshow culture byway of our music! 

The same sideshow that made freaks out of black women in England and other places here in some parts of america at the turn of the century. Mocking the unique physicality of black women as sideshow characters, and sexual slaves! So the programming continues! Seems whatever stately and admirable qualities black males have left in us, they are diligently working through infusionary Hip Hop and Rap Culture to weed them out of our young! Infusing Economic Apathy, A failed education system, and more importantly... Drugs! While at the same time ushering in a newer form of slavery 2.0 into society byway of a Privately owned Prison Pipeline system, rounding up and incarcerating mainly black men and women on frivolous trumped up crime charges, and over prosecution! 

I wouldn't doubt that after depressing the black population down to a much controllable degree, that they will have Breeding Farms re-established (if not already) in order to keep the right amount of subservient black men and women around for domestication and sexual purposes!

As men, We can do better! We can do better by not abandoning our women! Sure the system is set up so that in order for a woman to feed her children if they are on some sort of federal assistance program, a male cannot be in the home! That doesn’t mean that we have to settle for that! This is an excuse for some black men to leave the home and romp! Run the streets, and a lot of time be up to no good! 

But what better way to separate the black family! Deny your male counterpart a decent job by outsourcing his place of employment!... Denying him unemployment. Leaving him barely a work program to attain better jobs skills! Flood their neighborhoods with drugs from the middle east, and south america, dulling and destroying their minds, and making them completely unemployable! Making them perfect candidates to sell drugs in order to survive! Commit crimes in order to survive! Or work a job at a fast food restaurant, making just over $7.00 an hour (1979 pay wages), in a world where the economy requires at least two people making over $30.000 a year to support a home mortgage or a decent apartment lease. 

So, how does a black man save face to his woman when he cannot beat the system and at least be able to feed his family when the government undermines your ability as a father and husband by systematically stripping you of your identity as a father, a husband, and a man! Thus just one of the many reasons you see so many single mothers over the last 38 years or so!  

But through it all, the black woman survives, along with her children! Mainly because white society courts you along! White males love black women, yet they know that the cannot completely wipe out the black male, or in the long run, there’ll be no more black women to do with what they choose! So in the mean time, they are satisfied with twisting the arm of the black man to show him whose boss by taking his shorts from him, and degrading him in front of his woman and his children. Helping to destroying any real respect for any male figure in the eyes of his daughter, and his son; a soon to be young black man!

On a scale of infinity. Black women are and have always been more educated, more heart smart, and practical than black men! A black woman has almost always stood up and led the fight in many civil rights arenas! Yet they go unsung! Most young blacks today cannot tell you about any other female champion for human rights outside of Rosa Parks, and Angela Davis! 

Despite the dumbing down of our culture, black women still far out number black male college attendees by a more than a wide margin! Black men have their excuses for not taking higher learning on as a life’s goal and project! Most of those excuses are steeped in pride! How many times have I heard, “Man I need to work! I ain’t got time to sit up in no damn classroom!” The need for a black man to hustle in order to survive has been apart of black culture from day one in america! Mainly because we were in some cases denied decent employment. So when no one will hire you, you go out and hustle up some green backs for your family, so that they can eat! Regrettably, this became a mainstay in survival mode whenever there was no work. Or when the black man couldn’t find any places that would hire him!

Michigan was a wonderful automation, mass production state! It did well producing cars for however long this was profitable! But what it also did was paralyze some males of just about every culture in mostly southeastern Michigan. Because a lot of us guys Black or White or Hispanic (and I’m one of them) went straight outta school and into the plants, in order to make that Big Money! When it was profitable, we worked at Chrysler, Ford and Chevrolet. And every little small parts plant in between that supplied them! If you were a man in lower Michigan, Who Needed School, if you didn’t have anything particular in mind that you thought you wanted to do with your life? So you worked in the factory! 

Mind you, this doesn’t in a nutshell explain the entire situation good or bad between black men and women! This is just my shake on just some of what is wrong with why even after all they’ve been through. People have this heartless idea that black women somehow do not deserve to complain or vent about how really screwed up life has been for a great many women of color who chug right along! Half sick sometimes. Crampin’! And just keep on keeping on despite the odds, and mistreatment!
Ah, but through it all. Black women were and still are vastly intelligent! They went to school to be teachers, and back in the day before a home computer was even a thought, they studied to be Key Punch operators (computers in their infancy). And trained for many other phases of employment for a whole slew of occupations outside of the auto industry! Black women wanted to be accountants, healthcare executives. Television producers, pharmacist and doctors or all sorts. 

And there it is again!.... A great many aspired to become, Math and Science Teachers! Through the mind of a black woman shines the wisdom of the Ancients that is so commonly over looked! The echo’s of mother Africa, the very place where humankind was created emanates from my sister’s like a bell ringing an alarm! And it is calling out to everyone. Not just to the black man, but to everyone! That as Maya Angelou said, Through every kind of adversity, “Still I Rise!” 

Not only has the black woman risen from the ashes from most every kind of calamity, great fall, viral and genocidal attacks, and systematic upheavals! They shine through it all beautifully! So in times of hurt and pain, after you exhale; know this my sister’s that it is ok to cry! That given what you’ve suffered, and who you are, you have every right to release that inner pain churning inside of you that has been bound up for so long! Know that even Super Women hurt! God bless and keep the super women of the world, for us men. The so called stronger sex really do need them!... Badly!
Glenn Peppers                                                                

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