Monday, August 3, 2015

“Equal in America?”

1963 protest for equal rights

“Equal in America?”

(The Science of Ten Steps Back)

By Glenn Peppers                                                        

7-14-2015 Updated 8-3-2015

I said it before, and I'll say it again. As long as people of color who were and are descendent's of those taken from Africa centuries ago, who live, work and remain in this country and this northern hemisphere, you must know that we will always be viewed as slaves. Former slaves, emancipated slaves, and escaped slaved. Slaves without proper passage. Slaves with great talent. Slaves who out of want to fit in, gave the world many great inventions, musical blessings, and sports icons and exploits, yielding many contributions to the american way of life. Yet and still, in essence we are Slaves in waiting once again and forever in america. Yes Slaves forever more in the eyes of many whites who see us as nothing else but a means to an end!... Free Enterprise!  And now (as far as law enforcement) see us as prey!

Black teenage girl manhandled and abused by overzealous cop at a pool party

To this day, even within our own culture, many of us carry ourselves, as slaves. We even treat each other as such! The Willie Lynch Letter and slave conditioning tactic has locked itself into place. And it is working just as he predicted it would! So much so that we now murder our own at an alarming rate. We name call one another, and treat our women and elders horribly, just like the slave masters of old did us with a crack of a whip in one hand, and a gun in the other! 

Because of modern media and its brain washing idiot box (the television) and all the musical-mind-drone programs, our children now speak and boast the broken dialect of the slaves of old, minus any kind of articulate vocabulary, such as that of Frederick Douglas. All the while thinking trend-wise what they’re doing is something smart!
Unaware African Man watching the slave ships approaching 

During slavery times, Slaves were not allowed to read or write. So, just like in times of old, once again, because of an intentionally dumbed-down public school system (and other tactics) over the many years and decades. Broken english, and Slave-Speak is now Chic for many black youth! 

Only we (or should I say ‘some’ of us) are able to understand just what it is most of our youth are saying to one another, as they throw gang signs, speed-rap and curse and belittle some of the women in their songs and videos; as well as their mothers and children, in the process. 

No matter what is done to us, we demand not our freedom or respect from those who oppress us. Not even unto death as other races do! We mainly just do what it takes to Get Along in society; always seeking acceptance. Not wanting to make waves! There are those among us who are always shuffling backwards! And until we stand together and unite in simple self-respect and honor, and say, "Freedom or Die!" We the descendent's of the slaves of africa will always be run-over, disrespected and dead last, always frozen out, lied to and deceived until one day we’er eventually eradicated! 

Unknown white man who hunted down and killed a black child child for sport 
As a people we’re apparently still stuck in an 1860’s slave mentality mode! The only difference is some of us carry personal electronic devices, and we just dress better than some of our slave predecessors! Well, at least some of us do. Those who are inclined to pull their pants up around their waste, and at least dress appropriately for whatever occasion, seem to be far and few between these days! 
In America, as a people, we will never be allowed to foster or set up a sound and successful infrastructure within the black community, or command our own localities in which commerce flows between our own people; and yet forthwith support our city, state and local government in which we live. 

We are not allowed to bring about a thriving community, contributing to the american way of life, with proud citizenry, and subdivisions in local areas, whereas we can show solidarity to america! Some of us are only conditioned (and Red Lined) out of this idea, and encouraged and herded into living in low income drug infested, blighted areas where eventually because they’ve become minus’ed out of the system. Therefore resorting to stealing in order to survive, and subsequently succumbing to the evil of the streets committing murders and selling drugs! Feeding off our young, and slowly destroy themselves, while quietly becoming a passing phase through laws passed to take everything from you. To a stark Gentrificationing process. One that further, and completely systematically minuses you out of the american dream equation! slowly but surly. Like the hands of a clock!

Though flattering and amusing, a great lot of those great great grand children of those who enslaved our ancestors do not require, nor do they want our citizenship or loyalty to any real degree. They only want our downtrodden subservience, and the sweat off our backs, and corralling of our minds! We are only seen as america’s whipping poles. Nothing more! 

For we are only just allowed to live here, in america in lieu of their itching hope, anticipation and possibility that slavery will one day be re-instated; and rebooted in the guise of something more much more modern than the antebellum version. Yet just as confining and controlling! The Prison Pipeline being one of those ways to triumph for whites who have long awaited this goal of completion for people of color! 
Martin Luther King abused by white men during a protest
From the start, our victories were designed to be few and at best, fleeting. And always fashioned so that in time, eventually all gains made would in part, or completely would be altered or eventually reneged upon! The voters rights, and some of our civil rights for example! They set an old timey Uncle Tom sellout up in the supreme court to be the salt in the wound for this act! Those freedoms granted us were and are just cosmetic, and are only road repair asphalt patches that will one day come loose and fall apart somewhere down the road aways! 
Woman watches as the police drag her husband down the street like an animal
The children and great great great grandchildren of slaves in america will never be looked upon as equals in a country that for centuries has showered us with constant murders and abuses of every kind. From beatings, public beatings, family separations, woodblock auctions, public hangings, and an outright total disrespect toward black people as human beings. 
Young Black Man beaten into a coma by Police
Not to mention a hellish Machiavellian quandary of other endless devilish cruelties set against us that are far too many to note in their entirety! Refining and locking in the sad science of what I call, “Ten Steps Back!” For every advancement that black people made here in america, there seems to always be a ten step back retraction in gains. No matter what we do! 

When this retraction comes, If it does not come from without. It is sure to come from within! Right within your midst and circle! The supposed Willie Lynch Letter theory and hypothesis has proven that! One true fact is this. 

Whenever we do not stand up for ourselves, we surly lose! There has to be that point where one has to say, “Enough is enough!”
As long as the descendent's of Africa who were stolen from our homeland live, work and exist here in America among those who enslaved us, there will never be a moment’s peace for us here! Yet know simultaneously that not all white people feel this way, nor do they want us looked upon and treated as such; yet and still, there are those who are ancestors of those who enslaved us who in their hearts of hearts never wanted us to know true freedom, and self-respect. 

Ruth Tinsely 58 years old, arrested for protesting at a supermarket

Nor do they want us to ever know equality, for they feel superior to not only black people, but many other citizens of the earth! Our steps are shadowed, and our walk will be hampered as long as superiority and imperialism exist against us in america! 
In conclusion, and simply put. How can we expect anyone to respect us when we do not respect ourselves? For in their eyes, our not doing so shows them that we are weak and will always cower and shake in fear, and not act! The mindset is that we should just not make waves, and just “Get Along!” 

How can this ever truly happen when to those who mean us harm, in their eyes, we're still their property in slave runaway mode! Yet in this modern age most of us cannot seem to wrap our minds around such a though! And still the question arises! So you want to be thought of as Equal?
Well then I ask you. Who in this world thinks of their property and possessions as something equal unto to themselves? No one!

If we are to live in America, we must always know the eternal truth in that, we are not any man’s property, and what has and is currently being done to us was and is still wrong!

Beautiful Black Woman Representational of Mother Africa
We are the descendant's of Mother Africa. The very cradle of civilization! Truth be told, we are the apple of God’s eye! We’re beautiful and forever long suffering people, faithful and full of knowledge! Yet peace is the core of our existence. Normally we hath not a murderous spirit! Thus why we were taken, and used as slaves! Our inner strength and Godly gifts set us apart from those who greatly envy us enough to want to be us, and yet hate us enough to want to kill us at the same time! 

Once we come to know our King and Queenly birthright, and place with the creator of the universe; these steps will not be hampered any longer, no matter what they do to us. It will be at that time when no one will be able to take those steps from us ever again! 

By Glenn Peppers

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