Saturday, January 17, 2015

“Will ABC Cancel The VIEW?”

Whoopi Goldgberg and Rosie O'Donnell

“Will ABC Cancel The View?”

(Maybe The View is not so clear these days)

By Glenn Peppers                1-16-2015

Can you believe it? I saw it coming close to two years ago. ABC is considering canceling its longtime daytime talk show, The View! When I read this, that Janet Jackson song, “Control” kept banging around inside my head! You see, for me when The View brought Rosie O'Donnell back this past season, I knew they were done! In my mind when this happened, I knew that it would only be a matter of time. Whoopi is enough to deal with. Putting those two back together and you get nothing but a grey film covering the screen! After all these years, fat cat upper office TV people still don't get it! 

Could this major Cougar Cat Fight bring the View to its knees?

On screen battles are better fought when the two people fighting each other have a mutual respect, and a love hate relationship. Not a Hate HATE relationship! Television audiences are uncomfortable with that kind of thing! People need to be able to like or dislike you. An audience has to have an option to shift their allegiance! To choose either way or person or theme one day to the next! Like watching Wrestling! By leaving your audience no room to choose or move. They in turn will eventually change the channel! 

Its like watching your parents play fight. It embarrassing kinda cute. In fact its harmless! Then one day you see that they have gotten to the place where they are really REALLY fighting, and its vicious! Hair pulling and all bloody and nasty and dirty, and terribly uncomfortable to look at. So what do you do? You leave home!

Those producers of the View are really one track minded and are so not in tuned to what women are interested in these days. If its cat fighting people want, they can turn to Jerry Springer for that! I’m not referring to guest either. The View has wonderful guest on the panel. Its the group time that is so unnerving! Women want more from The View than what they have been getting! Women are close! They share and lean on each others shoulders! I’m referring to camaraderie!  Women function well as a unit! Much better than men do! Women bond and come in agreement on things, and stick together! And when they fight, boy do they fight. But when woman make up they cry, they talk, and they share how they feel or felt about things! Rosie and Whoopi are not on those kind of terms at all! There’s no girlie making up here! And that makes for some pretty ugly TV! Ugly TV in HD does not mix well in the morning! 

Just think. All these wonderfully talented women in the entertainment industry, and in the business class world of fashion, beauty, media, movies, medicine, music, etc out here and they reached back and dragged Rosie O'Donnell out of the muck! Com'on now!!! The View could have have had a national vote and gone to the public and picked (by way of Skype or something like it) a person from everyday life to be placed on the View panel. But Noooo, they went garbage picking! I know that sounds mean but its true! To me Rosie didn’t deserve to get a chance to sit on that panel again! She had her time there!

To go back to the garbage dump and recycle "anyone" (heaven forbid say the likes of Elizabeth Hassleback) back up onto a nationally syndicated million dollar TV show is programming suicide! But to bring back the one person who almost dragged the show down to hades the first time, and the expect her to come back and shine as if nothing was ever happened was wrong! Excuse my blunt charge but whomever signed off on that deal for The View was not thinking productively, and showed a keen shortsightedness concerning audience demographics! If The View does end up getting canceled, it will be for not keeping their panelist and producers fresh and accountable! 

Donald Trump and Rosie O'Donnell Feud! 
For me, Rosie's row with Donald Trump would have been the last straw had I been on the board at ABC! That whole thing went on way too long, and was one of the reasons a lot of folks stopped watching The View. The fight between O’Donnell and Trump became almost unbearable and quite annoying even after the first week. Had I been executive producer,  both Whoopi and Rosie would either have had to tame it down; got it together or resign! There are too many beautifully entertaining people out here. Too many young fresh faces with great young fresh ideas on what women of all ages like and want!

The Real

For instance those girls on "The Real!" We all know them from former and even present TV shows! They’re alive and bubbly. And best of all they have a chemistry, and it works really well for them! I feel that this show will only get better as long as they stay as real as they are with one another, and their audience! 

The Talk when Leah Rimini and Holly Robinson Peete was on the show Leah Rimini on the far left and Holly Robinson Peete seated second on the right back at the outset of The Talk's premiere.

"The Talk" (in my opinion) is just about done as well! Its become too much like The View! When they fired Leah Remini and Holly Robinson Peete off of The Talk, that did it for me with The Talk. Even more so with me because I'm partial to Leah Rimini from the old "King of Queens" TV show! We all have our favorite picks. Especially if they were on other shows that we liked! Leah and Holly are favorites of mine! To fire them both at the same time showed a brutal power struggle within The Talk panel cast of characters. That’s all I’ll say about that. Still I thought the firing of Leah and Holly was mean spirited, and controlling! 

The Talk pissed a lot of people off when they fired the two most popular people on the show. All I know is I haven't watched it since! Holly Robinson was the cool factor on the show. And Leah was the piss and vinegar that the show needed! So in that 2pm time slot, I’ve been watching the continuation of The Today Show with Kathy Lee Gifford and Hoda Kotb. I love them! They’re funny, and naturally quite entertaining together!

Hoda Kotb and Kathy Lee Gifford on the Today Show

In the long run as far as panel shows like The View is concerned, I feel that there'll only be one REAL winner (Real, get it? Hint Hint)! And I feel that The View with Whoopi and/or Rosie on its panel will not be in the running! Their producer and creative staff ideas of what star power as far as panel shows is pretty much out of date, and is a tad bit out of touch with the pulse of new-breed daytime television! 

So will ABC keep The View on is daytime TV lineup with all the Cougar Cat Fighting and Unforgiving Bickering? Who knows!... At this point with so many other options on cable television and on demand and with Netflix and the like, who cares!

Glenn Peppers               1-16-2015

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