Thursday, February 6, 2014

“George Zimmerman to Box Rapper DMX on TV”

George Zimmerman and Rapper DMX

“George Zimmerman to Box Rapper DMX on TV”

By Glenn Peppers                         2-6-14

Rapper DMX to box with George Zimmerman in a televised boxing match? Give me a break! Have we as a society regressed that far back in our thinking; back into the Gladiator days of old, and are willing to dish out justice as if we are grape gobbling Emperors, unleashing lions upon battling contestants in the Coliseum? Will we byway of Twitter or Facebook electronically be voting a rousing thumbs up or down/life or death for sport? The very idea is insane! Don’t you think so? 

Ok then if not, say this out loud to yourself and see just how ludicrous this all sounds... “George Zimmerman is going to box rapper DMX on TV in a boxing match!” If that doesn’t sound ridiculous to any of us, than I think the trappings of Reality Television has surly started to melt the reasoning processes of our brains!

Believe me, this clown will get his soon enough! And when he does, it won’t be in some televised boxing match! From day one, Zimmerman has made a circus of himself, and a mockery of his family, as well as the Martin family by playing himself off as some self-justified, victimized vigilante. Now this ego maniac is playing himself off as this, villainous reality show TV star with this whole boxing fiasco BS! I guess this is his follow up to his Sesame Street American Flag, Arts and Craft thing he pedaled over the airwaves. As if this would cause everyone to stand and salute! Give me a break! 

Wake up people!!! Pure and simple, this man murdered a child in cold blood, and got away with it, yet the media, and the public treats this man like he is some self-styled, all american renegade bad boy/Amorosa-sque reality show darling! This much hated media born, Red Headed Step Child is playing this off as if this was some kind of Wrestle Mania Event! 

Unbeknownst to many who want to see this foolishness come to pass, all this hype and fever is doing is making folks like me mad as hell! For George Zimmerman, its doing two things for he and his cronies... One: Its feeding his ego! And two: It’s lining his pockets, and generating monies for this idiot who I’m certain cannot get, keep or find a job worth having. I suspect Zimmerman is about as successful at finding work as he is at keeping a steady mate, or maintaining a permanent residence to comfortably lay his big fat head, most anywhere he seems to roams in that dark windowed Tonka Truck of his! 

I think the biggest and yet worst thing that can happen to George Zimmerman would not be a boxing match with a washed up rap star in need of rehab! I think the worse thing in the world for George Zimmerman would be to fall into Total Obscurity! 

Face it, George Zimmerman is a Publicity Hound! To Ostracize and Ignore him would be nothing short of destroying him! Come on folks! Zimmerman is proud to play the hated villain to the many millions out there in TV land who want his head on a platter! He knows most of the world hates him with a passion, and now he wants to cash in on it! 

I say lets not give this murderer the slightest bit of satisfaction on this exploitive, pitiful Three Stooges Scheme! Ok, ok. Lets just say this whole thing does come off, and DXM’s lil’ scrawny detoxed azz (or any other boxer scheduled to box this clown) does knock George Zimmerman on his butt, and draws blood and the like. What will it prove? Better yet, what will it change? Trayvon Martin will still be dead, and even more so, nothing will have changed with Zimmerman’s attitude and demeanor or guilt processes. Nor will any such fight affect any of the laws and racially motivated polices put against people of color in Florida. So, what’s the point? 

I am certain that one day soon, life, time and karma (or whatever you call it) will catch up to this man. And when it does, I hope that deep inside his soul, he has suffered greatly in his spirit for what he has done! I'm glad he feels he has to run the soles off his shoes, and the tread off his tires as guilt corners and blocks him into that dark lonely place in his mind! 

I hope that when he closes his eyes each night, he sees that youngman’s face as he winces in pain from being shot! I want him to never forget every last nuance of expression on that child’s face as the life seeped out of his body! I hope the sound of that cheap Kel-tec pistol going off is ripping his guts apart, like a swarm of fire ants feeding on a carcass in the hot sun... every night! 

Yes, you can bet when life's consequences for murder finally does brings this killer front and center for the count, it won’t be in a boxing match meant to line Zimmerman’s pockets. When his undoing comes to pass, I hope that before it takes place, he will be caught wallowing deep in the one thing that seems to bother him most in this life... Obscurity and Insignificance!

Glenn Peppers

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