Sunday, January 5, 2014

Arctic Blast or Maui Breeze

Arctic Blast or Maui Breeze

By Glenn Peppers January 5, 2014

(A really cool FB friend of mine asked her friends if they had the chance, would they ever want go to Antarctica! The answer I gave her was close to the one in this assay, as the more I thought about it, I found even more reasons not to ever go. Here’s my shake on that question, which is slightly embellished from my Facebook response.):

"Let me be the one to clearly shout a rousing, "Heck Nah!" No thank you! Ya see, I watched one of my favorite old school Sci-fi movies Saturday. the Original, "The Thing from Another World" on Turner Classic Movies (this 1951 Sci-fi movie is set in the North Pole. Which still creeps me out pretty good I might add), and as far as the North Pole or Antarctica goes for me; between Santa Claus and his Elves, doggone Flying Reindeer, The Heat Miser (you know I had to include him). The Abominable Snow Man, and that evil Ice Queen chick... The North Pole? I don’t think so!... Although "The Island of Misfit Toys" would be a cool thing to see!... Oh ok, I know. That place does not really exist... or does it?  

Aurora Borealis (the northern lights)
Yes, like many of you, I really like the Northern Lights, but I think being up there, all up close and personal with them is a little creepy as well! I can appreciate the Aurora Borealis (the northern lights) from down here in north America, thank you! 

It didn't take me much thought at all to decide not to go (as if I had the means to do so). Yeppers, as far as adventurous excursions go, I think I'll pass on the polar vacation package. I mean think about it, there's Polar Bears up there at the north and south poles; and although very cuddly and Christmas Coke Cola Cute and all, they ain't very nice to us human folk! And if you must know, Penguins are not all giddy and dancy little creatures, with little arctic Happy Feet, like in the movie either! They'll kick your butt as well, in bunches!

Plus when you factor in all the Global Warming, and Glacial Meltdowns affecting the poles, and considering the fact that Antarctica is one big giant scientific Geek Squad playground. I'd feel way out of place there because, I am a long way from being any kind of a scientist! Heck, I'm still working on long division! 

Besides its just too dang cold up and down there! So with that, I think I'll put any thoughts or plans of ever visiting either polar region on hold... at least for a little while! Well lets just say, for a long while. Michigan is as close as I want to come to being in any arctic region! And so far, early into the season, winter has knocked me over with a One Two punch! Give me Maui any day!"  

Glenn Peppers

Kaanapali Beach in Maui

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