Wednesday, October 2, 2013

We Deserve Better!

"We Deserve Better"
By Glenn Peppers    10-2-13

A complete shut down of Government?... Really! After what many of us have suffered over a lifetime, and come through in this country, I think we deserve better! To all those who lived through America's hardest of times and lived through it all, you deserve better. To those who survived the worst of times with the economy, and the pain of war, losing a home, or a job, and other personal loses; you deserve better! 

To those of us who have selflessly dedicated our lives to helping those who are sick and afflicted, and in need in this country, and are now ill ourselves, and in need of help; I think we all deserve much better than the bratty children who are sitting in their ivory towers, completely out of touch with the common man. Laying on their backs playing games with American lives. To those who call themselves the Leaders of the Free World. It has become clearer than ever that We The People All Deserve much Better than You!

Glenn Peppers

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