Monday, September 9, 2013

Run George Zimmerman... RUN

Run George Zimmerman... Run!

(The Invincible One)

By Glenn Peppers                                                                     9-9-13

Ah yes yes yes! And so it goes!... Mr. George Michael Zimmerman is at it again folks! Seems this so called innocent man can't seem to stay out of ear and eye shot of the law for very long at all! And it also seems that he, and only he alone has the right to brandish a gun, and draw down on even more innocent people with a loaded weapon as well; AND GET AWAY WITH IT... AGAIN! With no police intervention! WOW! 

So far, to date there has been no arrest or questioning of this man’s threats or actions, against his wife and his father in law. So, how is it this man can go about doing virtually anything he wants to people, with impunity and administer justice (even up to killing folks if he deems it necessary) as he see’s fit, upon any and all American citizens, completely and totally unchallenged? My goodness, James Bond, 007 doesn't even have that kind of License to Kill!

So now because of his new found immunity status, ole’ George "Z" thinks that he is impervious to, and totally invincible to the law of the land! Hell, he’s already blown away an innocent/unarmed child, and gotten away with it! Which was sadly unprecedented by the way! Then just days afterwards, Zimmerman faked an auto-wreck-rescue scene, on a public highway, and has since been pulled over by the police for speeding through Texas (and no ticket I might add). 

Now George (Fake out Superhero) Zimmerman has just assaulted his father in law, and threatened to pull a handgun on both his father in law, and his wife. Awe hell, maybe I had ole’ George Zimmerman wrong! Gall dang-it, George Zimmerman is Gall-Durn Superman!... Well, I won’t go quite that far by insulting my childhood superhero idol from Krypton, yet it appears that one George Zimmerman has better diplomatic Immunity than a billionaire Sheik in Miami! 

Still, Mr. Zimmerman, the trouble you attract, and the attitude that you are showing in these; 'your oh so recent days of freedom,' reveals a lot about you! Apparently, you have been, and truly are the hellion and bully that people have described you to be! Its news that your wife is divorcing you, and maybe its because she "is" deathly afraid of you! Maybe her fear of you is justified, and is probably one of many reasons she wants to get far far away from you! Why is this Mr. Zimmerman/hero/Mr. Invincible? Please tell us! From my arm chair corner of the world, all I can say to you Mr. Zimmerman is, Run George Zimmerman... Run! 

Even though there is no place on this earth you can effectively hide! You now have become what you’ve hated so much. Just like the African American males you've hated and targeted with vigor, you have now yourself become a target! Even though, I wish you no harm, you will find that most everyone you’ll meet along your rocky path will profile you! They'll judge you! Distrust you! They'll even throw slurs and insults at you! And most of all, because of who and what you have revealed yourself to be, people more than ever will Fear You! 

Some of them may have even liked you at the outset of all this. Some of them may have even supported you... at first! Now many people are beginning to see you for the gun toting/trigger happy/misogynistic bullying lunatic that you are! 

Run George Zimmerman!... That’s right! Aimlessly drive the highways and byways in search of your next adventure in terror. Your next confrontation, and drama! Run George Zimmerman. Run until your feet bleed! Run until you eventually come across that one wrong person to cross! That one certain someone who will not fear you at all! That person will not hold back on you, as those innocent people you’ve intimidated and terrorized once did! 

Pray that you never meet this person who see’s you as the self-made media Teflon Clown you’ve made yourself out to be! Run, run disillusioned fake out Invincible hero wannabe! Try and run from yourself, George Zimmerman. Yet try as you may, whenever you close your eyes to go to sleep, the specter of what you did will always be there, in your restless dreams, and will chase you in circles, right back to yourself. 

Night after night, you will drag along a giant ball and chain of guilt and shame as you try and slumber! For seemingly an eternity, you'll bare the heavy weight of that one dirty deed you’ve done that will haunt you forever on!... Run George Zimmerman!... Run!... RUN!
Glenn Peppers   

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