Saturday, July 20, 2013

George Zimmerman’s Karma Comeuppance



George Zimmerman’s Karma Comeuppance                                              By  Glenn Peppers                                                          

         This is my Letter to one George Zimmerman. Fearful Police wannabe, and all around general coward!

       Mr. George M. Zimmerman. Frightened little man that you are! Because of your actions, and an almost convincing fake, tinker toy trial that granted you a “Not Guilty” verdict for openly murdering teenager, Trayvon Martin. You have the unfortunate curse of being deemed a Free Man, as a result. Yet I feel it only fair to inform you that for the rest of your life, because you are now a public figure; you will forever be looking over your shoulder, living in fear. Mind you, I feel that no one will ever have to harm you. In fact, it is not my wish that anyone would. I’m that kind of a person. I am one who holds no ill will towards his follow man. No matter how cowardice and despicable a person he may be! This fear for your safety will also become a concern for your family, whereas when you put yourself out here for all the world to judge. Now they too have to share your loss of privacy, and public scorn! 

     Have you even thought that for years to come, you will be ducking, hiding, and will forever be profiled, and judged everywhere you go? Because of your actions, you'll be hated, and stalked, and pursued. Your dreams will soon be filled with nervous anticipation and foreboding. Sleep and decent rest will start to elude you! Feeling uncomfortable wherever you lay your head, you'll probably end up having to move from place to place, and town to town, as you will never feel safe in any one place you take up residence. This is because of the fear that is in you! Aside from your former domestic issues, your marriage and other relationships could soon start to suffer! And even though there are people around you who claim they support you, eventually when the fanfare wears off, folks with doubts will start to become scarce, and begin to fade away; as one day they will start to question your motives for everything you do, and have done. 

You'll one day start to have endless of bouts with depression. Your legal entanglements will press on for years, wearing you out. Given who you are, and what you’ve done, I wonder where it is you’ll find employment? I am curious as to who would hire an admitted child murderer! What company or corporation would chance ruining their business for hiring the likes of a George Zimmerman? During these times, I wonder will your father/former judge be able to bail you out of all your on-coming troubles, as you sink deep down into that long black tunnel of despair. On sleepless nights, you'll surly have to deal with your conscious on the ever weighing act of gunning down a child walking home with purchased food items and a cell phone in his hands, as the years drag by! For in your lonely mind, George Zimmerman, you will one day start to go into yourself, and soon guilt will drive you to the brink of insanity!
I am certain that you will re-live that night, every night for a million years in hell! That hell being in your own lying, twisted little mind. For little did you know that in trying to kill what you seemed to hate most. You exposed yourself and your loved ones to your seedy little world! A world you’ve build up in your mind, made up of hate, fear, and retribution! Yet in the coming months or years, those images will always be there... 24 hours a day. 365 and one half days a year, it will be there. The sound of the shot. The smell of the gun powder! The look of pain on Trayvon’s face as he falls! The sound of his body as it impacts the ground! Sure for now, this may not bother you. Your adrenaline is still too high to care right now, isn’t it? Yet stronger than the fact that you recently killed a child is your hatred for what you (for a lifetime) have feared and hated most of all. That being Black People in general! 
So congratulations Mr. Zimmerman! As a result of your self-justified act of murder, you have succeeded in becoming what you feared and hated most!, Here is, your price for freedom, for murdering a child in cold blood. This prize is dipped in fear, and soaked in blood!  As a result of your new fearful, and hated status, you'll forever know what its like to be pursued, profiled, stalked, and hated by millions. Know it or not, you have officially become a member of the most uniquely hated, and unjustly feared group of people the white race has so passionately loveed to despise. You Sir have officially become, a Black Man! Welcome to Hell, George Zimmerman!
                 Glenn Peppers July 17, 2013

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