Thursday, July 21, 2011

Greetings; and howdy-do and all that sort of rot ya know! 

Been quiet a while since my last posting. I've been busy traveling a bit and resting. I'd been between phones as well, as I finally got rid of my out of date, old No "G" phone and replaced it with one of those Android phones. It about drove me nuts! Loading apps when I didn't want it to, burning up my battery power. I felt like I was reading the manual to an F-16! All this just to talk on the phone and text a simple message. AAHGHHH!  LOL! 

Since last posting, I've been to Atlanta, Tennessee, Kentucky and Ohio. We had a good friend visit us for a week and a half, and when he was going to go back to Atlanta, he was going to ride the iron horse back down to Georgia (the Greyhound); so wifey and I just could see letting our friend do something like that. So what was the solution? ROAD TRIP! We packed up the van and took off on an impromptu journey down south that lasted a week. On the way back to Michigan, I got a chance to stop in Greenbrier, Tenn to see my niece and nephew's. 

Once in Atlanta, we visited the Martin Luther King Memorial (I'd gone three years before. This was wifey's 1st time); and The Varsity, The worlds largest Coney Island. The place is huge!!! It has been in operation since 1928. How historic is that!? This indeed is the Wal-Mart of Hotdogs!  

I've been writing, and have since last posting helped wifey set up a good size portable swimming pool in the backyard (I know, how suburban of me), which we may have to take down because of permit issues and such. We'll see about all that in the morning. Any who, I have seen some progress in sales on the book. I sold a few!!! Hey it may be only a few books...  but its a start! My e-book adventure continues!

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