Monday, February 19, 2018

So why do we need a Black Panther

Black Panther

“So why do we need a Black Panther?”

By Glenn Peppers          2-19-2018

Over the past two days, I've been reading and seeing video clips of white people protesting and causing disturbances at movie theaters showing the film, Black Panther! One movie theater in Maryland shut down it's theater that was showing the movie, claiming technical difficulties. Whereas another theater switched movies on it's movie goers. Showing instead that new 50 Shades of Gray sequel!

I hate to say it but, things like this is perfect proof that there is a good portion of white america out here that is just not happy unless it is vexing or terrorizing black folks, in some way shape or fashion! It's like there's some perverted need to do so!  

As Author James Baldwin once said...

"What white people have to do is try and find out in their own hearts why it was necessary to have a nigger in the first place, because I'm not a nigger," 
                                                                                            James Baldwin

Even if it's just a movie (so I’ve heard it put), such a movie like Black Panther essentially will and does boost black pride! It's as if the whites who oppose a positive movie like Black Panther are saying, "How dare you have any sort Pride about yourself! How dare you know, believe and realize that are intelligent! How dare you believe that you are unique, and are cultured, and majestically beautiful!

In the minds of many racist in america, black folk are not, and were not suppose to be anything but slaves and mindless work-horse punching bags, and sex slaves! Thus again the James Baldwin quote noted above!
Hollywood for far too long has depicted black folk in such a dull dim light! And also for far too long we've tolerated it! The barons of hollywood have from the start of cinema's history in america projected a boatload of negative and demeaning images upon us; showing us to be a people, and a culture that was never really us... At ALL! 

Further more, I know personally, I've never known anyone in my family, nor any of my friends, or any black adult in all my cultural lexicon of human spirits around me who looked or acted anything like any of the negative characters hollywood created as their idea of what black people were and are and should be to them, during and before the Jim Crow era of america!

Stepin Fetchit Jim Crow era actor

All the while, at the same time, hollywood was socially engineering black culture to be just what racist hollywood, and all those in power who shaved this country a drunken goatee wanted us to be! Many times in the process, Violently Holding us Down and Back when and if necessary! Never missing a turn at Pulling the Raines of Power, and flexing their muscles by revealing their cruel nature through all manner of punishment and pain! Even to the point of killing us! Can you say Greenwood, Oklahoma, 1920?

Greenwood, Oklahoma. Black town destroyed by Whites
If this one movie of Black Panther (based on a comic book character) can make anyone this angry and resentful that black people are (and have most always been) aware that we are intelligent and cultured, worldwide. Then hold on to your seats!... There's more to come!

Look around you! See the many achievements and the advancements (that barely get an honorable mention in media) of my brother's and sisters, despite constant discrimination, and the endless abject cruelty and all the untold murders; along with all the untold decades of denial of our basic Human Rights! Yet despite all this, "Still we Rise!"

Some may see Black Panther as a small accomplishment in the raising of black pride and awareness, saying “It’s Only a Movie!” Though in essence, in being a movie, Black Panther in all actuality is a huge step forward in Self-Awareness through media! Especially for our youth, and for our culture.

Afrocentric, Poised, Confident  

It is a movie that shows us in a much truer light than the one that rest just outside of hollywood's century long string of bullshit treatment of blacks in cinema! This longtime negativity in mass media concerning blacks is one of the main reasons america has remained so polarized! So defiantly divided! We reflect what we see and hear in Media! We all become and are what we see and hear on TV, in the movies, and by the music we let into our heads!

Despite the monsters who sit upon their butts in these divisive record and film companies, releasing this endless array of sensory overloaded garbage. Chock full of negative stimuli; calling what they produce, music and cinema. Our children watch and listen to this rot for the better part of the day and night. 

Positive film-works like Black Panther is a start as far as how the world should be viewing us as a people! And how we should being viewing ourselves! It is a Turning Point!

Black Panther in action

Film projects like Black Panther is that very starting place on a heritage road map that can lead to a clearer direction, and more defined path for other film makers to follow. Reverting and/or turning our children's brains from pulp brain drain, into Great Thinkers!

Hey, I'm like this! If it takes a Sci-Fi comic book hero come to life to raise the consciousness level of Black America, than so be it!

Two Jewish guys did the same thing, around 75 years ago at DC Comics with Superman! In 1933, Writers and artist, Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster still in high school created a comic book hero they named, Superman! In 1938, they sold the Superman concept to DC Comics (Then Detective Comics)!

Superman from the 1950's TV show

And as the intro dialogue to the Superman television series in the 1950‘s goes, as read by expressive voiceover man, and former actor from the 1930's and 40's "Bowery Boy's and Eastside Kids" movies; and former Detroit afternoon movie host from the 1960’s and 70’s, actor Bill Kennedy read these lines, which became iconic.

Actor, Voiceover man, and former Detroit TV Movie host of "Bill Kennedy at the Movies." Bill Kennedy

Bill Kennedy made it sound like Superman was a really big deal! And to be honest about it. For many people back then, Superman was a really big deal!....

The Superman Intro Voiceover:

"Faster than a Speeding bullet! More powerful than a locomotive! Able to Leap tall buildings with a single bound!...
...Look, up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a Plane! It's Superman! Yes it's Superman, strange visitor from another planet who came to earth with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men. Superman, who can change the course of mighty rivers, bend steel in his bare hands. And who, disguised as Clark Kent, mild-mannered reporter for a great metropolitan newspaper, fights a never ending battle for truth, justice and the American way!"
During a most oppressive time for Jewish folk in America, and in Germany back in the 1930's, on into the 1940‘s, this intro on print, and then later on made famous on the television show in the 1950's, and in the movies. The Superman Intro became somewhat of a mantra, and apart of americana! 

The very idea of a Superman was something Siegel and Shuster fantasied about! So they created him! And in so doing, this built their pride and set a precedence with themselves, and with people!

Superman made two young Jewish high school kids feel inclusive with an america that didn't look favorably upon Jew's, Italian’s and Irish folk, as well as many other immigrants coming into Ellis Island, looking for their american dream!

Be it only a comic book. Superman was someone on a dream and fantasy level that Siegel and Shuster, and eventually their children could believe in! Someone who could be impervious to pain! Someone who could fly! A Superman who was also someone who could by just putting on a pair of dark rim glasses, hide in plain sight, and at a moments notice, turn into a Superhero hero all at the same time!

First edition of Superman under Action Comics in 1938

Superman was someone who'd make a difference in not only Siegel and Shuster’s lives, but the lives of other Jewish kids and many other people of all walks of life, worldwide who felt left out, yet dared to believe that they could be more than what society told them they could be! Even if it was all only on the pages of a comic book! 

Black Panther brings this same sense of Cultural Valor and Pride to black folk that Superman did for those two young disenfranchised and seemingly powerless Jewish youths back in the 1930's!

To Siegel and Shuster, and Especially to Stan Lee, and that wonderful Marvel Artist who first created (along with Stan Lee), and actually drew Black Panther back in 1966, Jack Kirby I say thank you!

Wakanda Forever!

And to everyone reading this article I say to you, Wakanda Forever!... Long Live the King!

Glenn Peppers              2-19-2018

Saturday, January 27, 2018

“So Why Then Aren’t People from the Netherlands Migrating to America?”

“So Why Then Aren’t People from the Netherlands Migrating to America?”

(I just Wonder!)

By Glenn Peppers

Dear good people of the Netherlands. The man who in charge of our country here in America, Donald Trump wants to know why more people from the Netherlands and that region of the world aren’t migrating over here to our America! I haven’t talk to anyone from the Netherlands, so I am assuming that there is a reason why there isn’t a giant onslaught and influx of people from the Netherlands flocking over here to the United States! Here’s just a few reasons that I can think of off the top of my head as to why! Now I could be wrong though! So please correct me if I am in fact wrong!

Personally, I don’t think that the average Netherlander would want to give up their clean public drinking water for poisoned, and  possible lead laced municipal drinking and potable water that so many of our cities and communities are suffering with (can you say Flint, Michigan for starters?)! 

I assume the average Netherlander would not, or could not sleep well hearing gunshots and ambulances and EMS units running all night, every night in the city. I’m also guessing that would depend on where it is you’d live within or just around the city though, wouldn’t it?

I wouldn’t think any of you folks from that region would appreciate working a job that pays far less of a minimum or average wage than what you are use to being paid back in the Netherlands! I’m guessing that you wouldn’t want to give up your free healthcare and medical treatment either, huh? Neither all those many weeks of job holiday, and vacation time, as well as that good amount of sick and maternity leave!

Hmmm, I wonder how would the newly migrated Netherlander would deal with living in a place where the murder rate is worse than living in say, Beirut! Would you fancy living in a place where the gun violence rate is so high that it is like that of some war torn regions in the middle east? Not to mention all the domestic terrorism and the many possible school shootings, and all the possible random movie theater, and open air concert shootings by angry and visibly disturbed white men on a mission!  

I wondered if you’d appreciate living in a place whose public school system’s clandestine goal appears to be one of preparing their youth more for imprison than for college! I don’t think the average Netherlander wants their children involved one bit with the public school, minority Prison Pipeline Population!... Fresh from school, and onto Jail! 

Would you send your children to any public schools where they boast unqualified teachers, old work out of outdated school books, and encourage an intentionally failed learning curriculum? Would your child feel comfortable being around uniformed, and plain clothes police officers, and other threatening and intimidating forces of authority all day long within their public school systems? People whose presence alone is enough to gender fear, and escalate tension among the syudents, and incite violence! 

Just the very presence of Prison Style Law Enforcement within your child’s schools, along with possible gang and other urban activities, causes disruption and impedes learning, and therefore largely prepares (in some cases) regularly ordinary disobedient children off to detention bootcamps, and jails for minor things they’d normally be sent to the principles office for! 

How would you deal with the fact that your child, and some of the more troubled youth among your children could be placed on one or more mood elevating tranquilizing drugs in order to calm them down... as the saying goes? A lot of the time, the medical end of the school system’s educational team will deem those students who act up in school as being emotionally impaired, and even criminals in need of psychotic drugs in order to contain or control them. Literally prepping them as it were for either life on the street, or for a life behind bars, in prison where they’ll probably work for free within the prison itself for various large corporations, making only pennies! Or at the very least, if they are not smart or do not stay out of trouble will end up working within the fast food industry or doing manual labor! But before you judge, mind you, this is not the case in every school public school system in America! Although this goes on in a great many of them in urban areas!

Personally, it’s hard for me to see those smiling, stress-free looking faces of you Nordics who live by lush green flowery canals, living in these beautiful little cottage style bungalows, and fairy tale homes traveling all the way over here to America in order to pay sky high taxes, and succumbing to the vicious mortgage, and 401K finance schemes!... I mean, even though you have a pretty heavy debt in the Netherlands, you've maintained the beauty and splendor of your homeland! 

I cringed just thinking about the fact that any good Netherlander would give up all that good food I read so much about that you guys normally eat on a regular basis, in order to ingest our sometimes quite substandard fowl and livestock, as well as this vast transformational inflow of GMO fruits and vegetables that is filling our supermarkets, and is largely unregulated and in most cases! Food that is sometimes recalled because of bacterias and contaminations. Or foods that have been mislabeled and/or chemically laden with every kind of pesticide and preservative know to modern science! 

I shutter to think of the looks on your faces if you had to drink some of our tap water in certain locals that are loaded with fluoride, and all those noticeable levels of chlorine, and those untraceable yet tasteless amounts of sediment and arsenic; and from what I read that is also in most city drinking water, some sort of Microbial Cyst! Hey!... Google it! It tripped me the hell out as well!

I just don’t see many of you good people from the Netherlands coming to a place where coastal cities like California, and an almost entire west coast region of America from Washington State, on down to Oregon and south into California is on Fire a great deal of the time inside of a year.... EVERY YEAR! 

California is at present suffering from some pretty significant Mudslides, Sink Holes and then there’s that ever potential threat of an Extinction Level Event, killer Earthquake or series of Earthquakes! 

I won’t even go into that whole thing about what if the Volcano located underneath Yellowstone National Park (located not very far from Los Angeles, California) erupts! 

I just find it hard to believe that people from such a beautiful, and peaceful little country would give up all that they have, and all that they are to move to places along our eastern seaboard, along the Atlantic! Just out of curiosity, would you be prepared to live in coastal areas that suffer regularly from extreme weather with Hurricanes and Tornados, and historic biblical style tropical weather, and other natural catastrophes? 

A place where from Florida to Maine, for almost half of the year there is an active  Hurricane Season! A season bringing raging high category, and hurricane winds and tropical rain storms nothing short of apocalyptic! Wiping out whole entire caribbean islands, along with their infrastructures and landmark land masses in its path!

If you live in the Netherlands, I really wonder would you migrate to a place that’s constantly under the threat of a nuclear attack from Korea’s ever bragging, and more than insane leader? A man who is always clucking about how close his finger is to the proverbial Dooms Day Button is on his desk? 

Seriously, would you really move to America knowing that our leader is also constantly threatening to Nuke Korea and its leader, and his small Asian country off the map with what he says are an even bigger cache of Nuclear Weapons! Both men squabbling like school yard twelve year olds, about whose got the biggest We-We in their pants, just about every other month or so?

Well, I left so many reason why out. I just couldn’t cover them all! In a way, trying to do so is pointless! Yet it makes for a good analogy! In seeing how beautiful and how harmonious the Netherlands appears to be to me from pictures and video clips. I’m just wondering, if you were to move here from that beautiful little country called the Netherlands. What would be the take away in it for you?... 

Besides maybe a business deal, or an investment situation, where you’d sign a deal and then take in the sights and sounds of this whacky place where I live called America, and then fly back home to Oz! What would be the plus, the perk or the advantage for you in living here in America? I wonder!

Glenn Peppers

Friday, November 17, 2017

“Stephanie Mills and the Music Industry’s White Washing of Black Recording Artist”

“Stephanie Mills and the Music Industry’s White Washing of Black Recording Artist”

(Was She telling the Truth?)

By Glenn Peppers 

As I sat there listening to Stephanie Mills being interviewed on this morning television show on BET called "Sister Circle." The topic came up concerning why black recording artist are being ripped off by being denied airplay on the radio, and on television on music video shows. And how White artist are stealing black artist' music styles, and being promoted as being Soul and R&B singers. White Washing truly talented black recording artist in all genres of R&B music! As Stephanie Mills put it...

“I think they want R&B but they don’t want it from us!”
                              Stephanie Mills

Could the music industry do such a thing to black people who on a cultural and professional level over many years has given the world some of the most beautiful music and songs, ever?

In a matter of speaking, yes they could! And in a big way too, there are people within the media and within the record business who have the ability on an electronic business scale to all but wipe black music out of the public eyes, ears and minds byway of denying airplay, news coverage, PR press, and viewership on almost all major Network cable channels!... That is, if we all just sit back and let that happen though!  

I think they should know that what they think they have, (as far as what they call soul) is once again (just like the 1940's when they stole Big Band, and then in the 1950's with Rock and Roll, and then again in the 1960's and 70's with Soul and R&B) stealing black culture!  Something that many time has proven itself doesn’t come off well in the long run! 

This act of white washing our music is a fake out, Justin Timberlake Moonwalk on black culture, done to us all over again. Only this time its being done electronically! And just like before. The style will always come off eventually as not sounding quite like the Real thing! Why?... Because copy black music as close and as well as you may. In time the flaws will begin to show! 

Artist Robin Thicke’s Copy Cat material of Marvin Gaye’s music, smoothed over with his copy cat sound of Prince combined with DeAngelo’s vocal stylings is proof of how gullible and accepting people are about the kind of music they listen to now days! 

It is also a testament on how people like Pharrell will stand back in the producers booth and assist people like Robin Thicke to pull the whole thing off! 

In essence, when you look at it, they don't really have enough of us down pat to completely wipe out black culture and music and sports, and math, and science off the map, etc. Unless they are satisfied with a really bad copy of Us! 

Are they satisfied with all those ghoulish Frankenstein-ish fashion models, all Botox'ed up? And what of those aging actresses on those Hollywood Housewives shows, they're lips all puffed up like they’ve been in a fight; with their faces all cut and curved up by some over priced hollywood plastic surgeon, all in order to get those African America/African Apple Booties, Lips and Cheekbones!

Even black women are out here going around getting Kardashian Fake Butts, Lips and Cheekbones to look like who else of course?..... Black Women! Out of insecurities, paying thousands of dollars to look like the perverted image of what some white women thinks a Black Women looks like! 

So out of foolishness, Black Women go have all that Frankenstein surgery done on to themselves, to look make themselves look like a freakish version of themselves! 

Sometimes I wanna scream to every black woman I see falling victim to this mess! “Wake the hell UP!!! They’re making a mockery of YOU!” 

Sometimes I wonder do white folks who white wash black culture really think that they have us down pat enough?.... There are white guys in the record business who are called soul singers! Guy's who sing with a Michael Bolton Rough Edge? "Is that how ya'll think black people sound?"

I wonder do they really think that the singing voices and copy cat music of Billie Holiday wannabes is spot on? I don't know. You tell me. What is missing from the copy cat Billie Holiday bunch?...... The PAIN of course!... I mean true pain!  

Degradation and the Humiliation of character from being a black woman in a 1950’s world! A world that did not except her for who she was, despite her talent and her peacefully shy humanness! 

You can’t fake that! Not even in the music! You may give a pretty darn good impersonation of Billie Holiday. But the soul will always be hollow in its presentation! Because try as one may! You are not Billie Holiday! 

I wonder does that British Rihanna sound-alike singer, and all those Beyonce Haters and Copy Cat's think that they have outdone their so called hero by becoming her? "Mimicking one's swag and style does not a black person make!" 

Believe me people, you can Phonetically mimic any style of Black Music and copy all the Blues singers and players and Soul Singers and Jazz artist in the world, but if fire in the furnace it isn't authentic, and if what you feel doesn't come from the heart, or isn’t born out of half drunk, heartbroken too many cigarettes at a smokey night club gig, and jam session after 2am. It ain't soul! And it definitely ain’t jazz either! No matter who you think you sound like! 

I’m not saying that white people do not have soul! Everybody has soul, to a degree! It’s the life experience and the sincerity of the soul that counts! That mileage on Your Soul will show in the song! In your music, if you really feel it! 

I mean if you really feel that song, or that piece of music, and can convey that emotion through sound and notation, expressively, musically or vocally, then it is soul! I don’t care if you’re Bluish-green and have purple blood! Joe Cocker comes to mind! He was riddled with soul! He expressed it his way! he didn't copy anyone! Joe Cocker was his own thang!!! 

Now if you're just trying to cash in on the music, then its really not soul or jazz, or funk or anything! 

Even in funk, the same is true! Not to take anything away from Bruno Mars, but it is true that, Bruno can copy all the Lakeside, Parliament and Con-funk-shun/Roger ZAP and Gap Band/EWF horn grooves in the world, and jumble them all together and make songs out of all those riffs, grooves and changes and horn stabs he wants to! It'll never be as good as the original Gap Band funk and other grooves that he is capitalizing and pulling from! 

Yet, people love it! Why?... Because Bruno has complied all this strategically crafted hodgepodge of old school funk and party grooves together (that are slightly altered) that people have been missing from modern party music for quite sometime! His music comes across well! It's fun and entertaining! Like an Ode to Old School funk!

Like anything fake, eventually (As George Benson said in his song, "On Broadway") "The glitter rubs right of and you're nowhere!" 

All the sampling devices and Mutronic/Harmonic Auto Tune machines in the world cannot copy pure unadulterated Soul from the heart! A lot of these singers give the appearance of soul, but the soul is empty! 

Even Adel is starting to wear out her powerful voice trying to barrel out those songs on such a hard and heavy level, night after night in concert! So much so that she mentioned not doing live shows for a while in order to save her voice! Soul is more than just being Loud and Forceful! You can’t compensate loud for being soulful! 

From what I’ve noticed concerning the record industry, they'd rather destroy black music, and hide it from us and the world, and make out as if the copy cats were the true originators of soul music in America, rather than to let our music legacy stand, and live on as something we brought to life! 

I've seen this thing building for quite a few years now!... Yet despite the effort to squelch, hijack and steal black culture and music, some people of color just will not be denied their props! 

Prince was chief among those who the world just had to give it up to!... The man was incredible! Frank Sinatra once said that if Prince were white, the world would forget about Elvis Presley! Now I don't know about all that. But you catch my drift! 

When singing icon's and music producers, Natalie Cole and Maurice White of Earth Wind and Fire passed away in 2016, and there was barely any press or tributes to them worth mentioning; I knew then! And don’t give me that, “Oh the World was in Shock!” As an excuse for the media not honoring these two amazing recording artist properly! 

These were two of the biggest musical icons of the 1970's and 80's and 90's!  They helped make FM Radio and structured R&B and Soul music and songwriting; and record production techniques to be what it is today! Yet when they died, according to the news, it was like they just faded away! Almost as if the industry was glad they were gone!

When Whitney passed, the bad press overshadowed her music and her death! As far as the media was concerned, Whitney's drug use, and her bad relationships and  her mood swings was the only topic of interest! 

Never a whole lot about Whitney's flawless voice! Only about how over time she was in fact losing her magnificent voice!

So is Stephanie Mills right? Is the Record Industry and the many, many radio stations coast to coast shunning new and innovative black recording artist by not playing their music? 

Are the Cable Music Video Channels willfully not playing black recording artist of substance, and are instead promoting ignorance among us by playing the videos of mindless clowns and buffoons on the music world stage, and asking black youth and listeners to think of these individuals as Stars and heroes as it were? 

Does the record industry really think this way of the music world, and of us? Something’s going on here people! I just know it! Think about it! These people in those offices at a lot of these record companies went out of their way and sought out this great wall of basically a slew of No Talented Fame Hounds, and Star-baby-Wannabes! People of whom inside and outside of a recording studio couldn't hold a tune if it had a handle on it! They just wannabe Rich and Famous!

Again, these record A&R people went out of their way to find and then promote these talentless group of people to the world (and to your children) as Stars and Interesting People that the media and the public should get know more about! 
All the while, white folks were honing, and polishing and promoting their brightest and best white recording artist, and marketing them as Soul and R&B singers, while the tone-deft urban star-baby wannabes produced and released one bad CD and Rap record after another! 

All the while encouraging (on some levels) drug culture, and a "Get Money anyway you can, Shake Yo' Ass” Mindset,) and not anything resembling a “Get Educated” Mantra! To say the least! 
Its all systematic, and a host of us out here see the pattern! People are not being fooled as much as the industry would like to think we are! 
So how do we combat this situation? Simply put, I think its all a matter of keeping our own Music Alive, and keeping our legacy out there, and ALIVE! The British and the Japanese should not be the curators of the music our grandparents and great uncles and aunties created and came along with! 

We should be the ones telling our own story! Many of us have the means to do so! So Why Not Do So?

In the process, over time people will listen. There are many stories to tell! Because what is being portrayed on TV and on Radio is fake, and is a bad copy cat of what it is we do, and what it is we’ve done! 
Even if they succeed in putting real R&B, Soul and Jazz on the back burner like they’ve been striving to do, denying some black recording artist, radio and cable TV airplay. In time, they'll eventually have to come back to try and steal more music and styles and fashion from us. Because we are always evolving, culturally! Creatively! Despite all they do to us, “We’re not done yet People!” 
Think about it! Over a span of many years, hasn’t this been the pattern down through the decades? Speaking honestly, isn't this what they've been doing to us all along? Stealing our music and our cultural heritage and styles and traditions? Even mimicking and mocking our many forms of emotion and expression (can you say Al Jolson), and calling it their own! 

Only now they think they've got Us Down Pat enough to just wipe us off the map completely though! Don't you even believe such a thing! 
Radio Stations may not play that beautiful multi-talented jazz bassist, guitarist and singer, Esperanza Spalding's music, as with a whole host of other uniquely gifted and talented young Jazz, Soul, R&B and Funk artist,  on the Radio now days, or on any of the Cable Network Video Channels... yet! But we hear them! 
Those of us who are musically in the know out here, we hear these wonderfully talented people! They're on Public Radio and Public Television, and all over the Internet! Jazz forums and music sites are vast and teeming with good music! Heck just pull some of it up on Youtube!

People are tired of all this weak mindless music floating around! Music is like ordering good food! Demand good music, and you’ll eventually get good music! The record industry won’t continue to produce crap if no one is buys it! You can't make money that way!
There are hundreds of internet podcast and music channels out here, picking and playing these new and innovative sounds and stylings! 

These artist have exciting live shows, and the music is slamming! You can't destroy good music! People with Gifts and God given Talent!... Music, art and gifts of the soul are blessed! These gifts are pure energy! Energy that Life Recycles all around, and all through us! It is passed through onto Generation to Generation! 
Try as you may to destroy what has been gifted to many people of color, and then honed by us, and The Wisdom and Creativity of the Ancients will eventually, and almost always rise and shine again, somewhere else near as a result of adversity!... But then of course when that happens, they'll always be someone waiting at the door to try and steal, copy and capitalize on our innovations once again, I'm almost sure of it!

Glenn  Peppers                                                                 10-17-2017  7:18am