Saturday, September 16, 2017

"Kid Rock and the Little Caesar's Sports Arena.... Who Cares!... I Don't!"

Bikers taking Flip the Bird Pictures at The Little Caesar's Arena

"Kid Rock and the Little Caesar's Sports Arena.... Who Cares!... I Don't!"

By Glenn Peppers                                                         Sept 16, 2017

This sad display in front of the newly built Little Caesar’s Sports Arena in downtown Detroit isn't really so much disturbing to me as it is sad! In fact, in all actuality, it is kind of pitiful! Mainly because it is only a throwback, and a continuation of just how things have always been here in Michigan... under the skin! 

Nothing's really changed racially, or other wise here. Especially in Southeastern Michigan! From that racially inspired dividing wall on 8 mile road, to the sharp tax and insurance redlining of black citizens, to the negative and exclusionary treatment of Detroit's Public Educational System, and its children! Which I'll touch more on that later! 

This whole Kid Rock thing though, com’on now be honest about it! No one should be surprised at this whole fiasco! Its all Publicity! So tell me, “Why are You all Surprised?”

White mob chasing black man with sticks and clubs in the 1943 Detroit Riot
From the white supremacist generated race riot that white auto workers started in 1943, that no one in the press, or in our local television media outlets in Detroit ever talks about. To the dangerous bullying/head-whippin' racist, Big Four police squads of the 1960's (A band of hooligans cops, that as a child, I myself witnessed in action going after black men and boys like slave chasers)!
Big Four Squad Car
The Big Four (they were called) Were notorious for violence against people of color! Big Four and other rouge cops were the ones who incited, and pretty much exploded the city of Detroit into a full scale riot and/or uprising by rousting people within a longtime Speakeasy. Pushing folks way too close to the edge! In fact, well over the edge that hot night back in 1967!

Well it’s 2017, and in essence, not a lot has changed (especially in Detroit)! Not as far as some people evolving past their core brained neanderthal behaviors and treatment of people of color in Michigan. To be really honest about it. In that respects; absolutely nothings changed but technology! We all just communicate a whole lot better is all!

I guess my shake on all this is that I am not really excited about the building of a brand new sports arena in downtown Detroit! As a matter of fact! As far as I’m concerned, they can gang up a whole new slew of arenas and stadiums, and soccer complexes all along Woodward avenue like big ole’ bowling pins. I could care less! 

And what would the people all gain from this? Nothing but mad sport home-team pride (if any of our teams ever start to win games), and great places to eat Hot Wings!... Oooo, yay! 

Those enterprises would be just like all the other Rich Guy enterprises springing up in these gentrified invaded areas of Detroit. They’ll be the crowning glory and the achievements of a family owned pizza business of a passed on Billionaire Pizza Mogul, and a Quicken Loans Billionaire Land Grabber! And I say again.... What about the people? We'd eventually end up being stuck with some sort of higher tax rate in something, somewhere down the pike! 

Its all about Big Business folks! So if the likes of a less than talented, overgrown confederate flag waving fame hound on stage finds victory in claiming this new arena as some sort of victory or trophy; or some kind of fort captured. I say Great! Its all yours Mr. Rock!

Believe me, I have no real interest or inkling to ever set foot in that arena! I don’t care that much for Hockey! And I’m figuring that I’m not going to go see a basketball game anytime soon (I don’t think). And my Big Hair, Rockin’ in the USA Arena Concert going days just may be far behind me! So for me, Fort Illitch is nothing to fight over! And it has nothing to do with Kid Rock!

Kid Rock Biker support on Woodward in Front of the Little Caesar's Arena
Nor does it have anything to do with a slew of the mad angry bikers or all the confederate flag waving Trump Zombies in the world! Its just that "I Don’t Care Anymore!" 

Detroit is only showing itself to be what it has been since blacks made their way up here in the 1930's, 40's and 50's and 1960's to work in the auto plants! Detroit and southeastern Michigan has been one big giant caldron of churning hate and discrimination ever since blacks came north in search of work! 

Black Auto Worker 1963

Hate and discrimination has only budged mere inches from where it once was decades ago. Living in the 1950’s was hard for my parents! Racially narrow minded people, made life a completely unbearable situation for people like my father, and many other black men like him who suffered horrible treatment and racism working in those auto plants in the 1950’s!

Black Foundry Worker

They did awful things to thousands of black men whose only aim was to earn an honest living, and feed their families, and live a peaceful life! White foremen would put only black auto workers in the hot foundry areas of the plant in order to punish them! I remember the stories those older men would tell of how hot it was by that furnace! 
On a more serious tip; you won't ever see this brother going out to march in the streets, waving protest signs and the like over something like Kid Rock Opening a Sports Arena that was no designed with people of color in mind! Ask yourself. What in the hell did any of that marching ever get anyone protesting for either their right to hate, or their right to freedom?... Not much at all! 

I feel that in order to show just how you really feel about an injustice done on to you, you have to do more than burn a hole in your shoes walking the streets! It has to be more personal than just marching and waving slogans signs! In order to make an impression you have to, (How do you say?) “Affect the Money!” 

Spend your money where you are treated good and fair! I don’t trade with people who look down on me! If I feel that they are disrespecting me. I take my money elsewhere!

I'm no millionaire! But I'm one of many regular people out here with just chump change, actually!... But its my chump change! 

Therefore, I've made it up in my mind that I will henceforth refuse to willingly, and knowingly support anything to do with any enterprise that has stolen well over $300,000,000 from the Detroit Public School's educational fund in order to build this big giant, eyesore of an arena that sits on the edge of Woodward avenue, in downtown Detroit! 

Now that may not seem much to you, but if more people stuck to their guns, and quit supporting people, places and things that exploit them. You’d be surprised at how things will start to change somewhere down the road! As I said. it may not be much. But its all I have to offer!

This is why I will not support this place! How many lies were told to all of us over the years that the Detroit Public School system was flat broke? "Detroit is Broke People! Oh, we have to file bankruptcy, and everything looks bleak for Detroit! We need an Emergency Manager to hash things out financially for Detroit, and for the Detroit Public School System!" They scared everybody to death, making folks think that Detroit was going to get swallowed by a great big Sinkhole!
Eventually, Washington actually did get the monies sent to Michigan with the aim of rebuilding DPS, in order to give Detroit kids a better education and shot at life. Maybe even making our schools look and feel, and possibly even match up to at least some of those Big Beautiful college campus-style Schools in Oakland, Bloomfield and many other suburban counties here in lower Michigan! And then quietly, under everybody's noses, suddenly all the money was gone!  

Like a late night burglary! Over $300,000,000, just Gone! And as bad as these children in Detroit (those who are left) needed a new jolt! An Educational-Rejuvenation. It was all gone! And it was all hush-hush!$300,000,000 would have been a pretty good start for those kids! A start that never even got out of the starting gate! 

To many, this further shows just how those who are suppose to help Detroit, really felt about the people who've lived here in the city for so long! Those who paid taxes, and who’ve struggled, and waited out the promised resurgence of the city, and help, for so long! And now this!

So yes! Therefore, I will not partake in anything involving any product made or produced by the Illitch Companies! Money is everything to some people, and the numbers don't lie! I don't know about any of you, but I don't ever have to purchase any food products from the Illitch Co. I don't care for their Little Caesar’s Pizza anyway! 

And as far as The Fox Theater is concerned! I was going to the Fox well before Mike Illitch ever dreamed of renovating that old place! Howard C. Crane's (the Fox Theater's architect and designer) signature is all over that place from its core to its rooftop, to the Lions on the inside and outside of the place! All Illitch did was clean the joint up a bit!

So, there it is! If these five nights of a loosely copy-cat version of a musical charged Trump Rally/Concert is the Christening of this New Detroit Sport's Arena. Then so be it! 

In the annuls of history, such a thing would prove to be kind of a sad commentary! And in saying that, I forgot that there are those among us who have no shame in what it is they do to others. 

And when they re-write history (as they often do to glorify themselves), the story will come out shiny clean. Making folk heroes of those who stole, and committed great crimes and injustices against the people!

And how truly sad because, despite all the achievements and legendary things Detroiters had done. Been apart of, and become over the last 75 to 100 years. Racism eventually had to almost always took a backseat to hate! 

Detroit was once a city that was on the move! I felt it! I grew up during this time, and I saw this! And the good that got accomplished in Detroit had nothing to do with hate, or with just one group of people! 
Detroit back in the day, after the 1943 riot. Everyone enjoyed Downtown Detroit. Black or White
Everyone had a hand in Detroit’s great legacy, from its automotive integrity, and its ground breaking broadcasting history! To its music and entertainment and manufacturing roots! Marks that are iconic, and have left an impression on the world! And all despite racism! 

But like anything negative, hate and greed begins to creep in, and drags weak minded people down to a lowly place! Believe me, as far as an overall city is concerned. Detroit will never be what it once was on a retail level! 

People everywhere are all about One Stop Shopping! Retail in Warehouse shopping and Internet purchasing Online by folks who sit at home and order things from the Internet, instead of getting out to buy them has made sure of that! 

Back in the day, All of Detroit was utilized! There were shops everywhere! people don’t shop like that anymore! if it ain’t at Sam’s, Costco’s or Meijer. It may not get purchased!

People shopped back in the day! They got out and shopped!Black and White!

Especially with Detroit’s present mindset of exclusion and hate! You have to do business with everybody! Not just a chosen few! You’ll go broke eventually! So no matter how many stadiums and arenas and coffee shops, and Q-Lines, and Wayne State parking lots they build! Detroit will never be the place it once was! It will never be as good! 
No matter how many nice new shiny things that are built and erected! 
Detroit has always been its best when everyone had a hand in its growth and progress, and includes its home-team revelry! Its the people... It was always Everyone who made the difference in Detroit! 

It has always been Red, Yellow, Black, White and Brown people who made Detroit as great as it ever was! Not a building, nor a business! It was always the people!

Detroiters doing it together
No city can survive without a Melting Pot! Cities are truly Metropolises! Cities should be wonderful Cultural Habitations reflecting a fine exhibition of various views, lifestyles and peoples, and businesses from places near and far! This is what makes up a city!

From each other, we've all learned how to work, how to play and how to cook and live life together, as best we could considering the crummy circumstances sometimes! 

A Melting Pot like Detroit was and is makes up the sum total of what comes out to be, Humanity in Action! 

No city should ever be some Stuffy Upper Crust, exclusionary population of just white people, or just black people! Why that would only be the stuffy ole’ Suburbs all over again.... only this time with Skyscrapers! 

Glenn Peppers 

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

“What does Kid Rock’s Debuting at the Little Caesar’s Arena Really Mean?”

Kid Rock

“What does Kid Rock’s Debuting at the Little Caesar’s Arena Really Mean?”

By Glenn Peppers

Tuesday evening, Sept 12th, 2017. Protesters marched up Woodward Ave. in Detroit, protesting Kid Rock’s opening of the new Little Caesar’s sports Arena. And well they should, but at the same time, they really should have been protesting those who are behind Kid Rock’s opening of this big giant elephant in the front room!
People Protesting Kid Rock at the Little Caesar's Arena
Kid Rock is in all actuality just capitalizing on all this hype! The once crossover/Hip-Hop influenced recording artist turned full country/rock is making a mint out of all this hoopla! 

Bikers Protesting and taking pictures in front of the Little Caesar's Arena
I say protest The Illitch Co., and all its financial supporters, and those involved in taking all that money from the Detroit Public Schools in order to aid in building of (what I think was) this unnecessary sports arena! They are the ones who sanctioned all this! Kid Rock's debuting at the Little Caesar's Arena is just representative of just how those in power in Michigan actually feel about a lot of the original “Longtime” inhabitants and citizens of Detroit!
All of this is akin and related to ignoring the problems and issues, and water shut-off's, and home foreclosures, and various other forms of "Quietly" continuing the act of bulldozing, and socially engineering america's long awaited and anticipated operation of this giant nationwide program of an "Urban Renewal Project!" 

This is a program started decades ago which would eventually include the gentrificationing of people of color out of the equation in Detroit, and in most american cities all over the country!... Little by little! Day by day! House by house! One burned out crack house, and dead crack baby at a time! One inner city shooting and car jacking, and Trump/Ice deportation and any smattering of racially charged police profiling's and police abuse incidents at a time.

Now that Kid Rock is once again considered officially to be a (country rock and roll) recording artist, and not the Hip Hop/crossover act he started out to be. Kid Rock's debuting at this arena is meant to be more of a symbol than anything else! 

Forget all that confederate flag business! That's old news! You don't have to look far to know where Kid Rock's loyalties and ideals and mindset are concerning people of color and politics! Recent pictures of him cavorting in the oval office with known racist and resident nut case, Ted Nugent and Donald Trump says it all right there!
Kid Rock, Sarah palin and Ted Nugent in the White House
By way of the photo’s they all took together in the White House, if you didn't get the subtle insinuations, and other inferences, and digs, along with those big "Screw You Gestures that clearly showed through their poses and Body Language!" You need a reality check! Especially if you are someone who feels victimized by this administration, and yet doesn’t see a problem with this kind of consorting in a snide sort of way, then you are so far out of touch, it's not even funny! 

Kid Rock's Opening night at the Little Caesar's Arena, coupled with his new restaurant located just inside the sport complex is Big Business and New Detroit's clear and present Sign-Post! A virtual Sign-Post that openly implies the same sentiment that has been thick in the air in New Detroit’s Downtown/Mid-Town areas for quite some time now. And it is that, "In this New Detroit, People of Color, Are Not Welcomed Here!" 

Kid Rock is the reflection of just what those in Lansing, and in state and local government and big business in Michigan think of people of color! Remember that giant photo mural plastered on the side of that building in downtown Detroit by Dan Gilbert's Bedrock Detroit Co. that had the caption, "See Detroit like we do!" and there was nothing but white people in the picture?
Bedrock Detroit's Message to People of Color, and Everyone Else!

That was not an accident! It was a Declaration! It was Dan Gilbert and his New Detroit companies and supporters telling people of color in Detroit that they can and will do their level best to exclude, expel and eradicate Blacks, Arabs, Hispanics, and yes, even poor folks out of the city! Not leaving out the elderly of course, and anyone else of non-white origin Out of the City of Detroit!

Little by little!... One street shooting, and opioid death and communicable disease and illness at a time! One water Lead Poisoning and lessoned food program at a time! One discontinued basic necessity program for children at a time, and one more axed benefit, and raised tax and insurance rate at a time! They are phasing out blacks and anyone else who they deem unfit to inhabit the city of Detroit!... Slowly!.... Quietly!... One block at a time!... One renovation of those classic old houses at a time, that you will never get a chance to inhabit or purchase, at a time!... And so it goes! 

Kid Rock's representation of this New Detroit sends a clear message! It should be an eye opening revelation that you should not trust very many promises made concerning your health and wellbeing from those running this big machine who say they mean well with you. Not without strict examination and scrutiny!

People who send such strong symbolic messages in such a grandiose tangible way mean what they say, and say what they mean! Yet in some strangely perverted kind of a way, these individuals also like to send out codes and innuendos to taunt and pick at those they go after, before they stick it to you. 

Do you feel like a mouse?... Is New Detroit Chasing all of the mice out of Detroit!...
RUN mice RUN!
Like a cat toying with the mouse he has injured, but hasn’t killed yet! Like the comic book character, The Riddler in those old Batman Comic Books! Offering a riddle to further vex your predicament of figuring out where he’s going to shrike next! 

The Riddler before doing a Dirty Deed!

So if these people so boldly and blatantly mean what they say, and say what they mean concerning your life, livelihood and existence.... Then why shouldn't you!

Glenn Peppers   

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

“In a Global Catastrophe, Everybody Hurts!”

Mass graves for mud slide victims in Sierra Leone

“In Global Catastrophe
 Everybody Hurts!”

(Texas, Florida, Mexico, India, Africa and Montreal! Devastation isn't just all about us)

By Glenn Peppers

Isn't it amazing just how our news media can shut out a situation, or even a major news story, even a major event like that of an act of nature, like the aftermath of an 8.1 magnitude earthquake! I'm speaking of the 8.1 magnitude earthquake that happened in Mexico Saturday Sept9th, 2017 in the evening, EST! 

Massive Hurricane Irma

There's only been minimal news reports on just how badly those hundred's, and maybe thousands of earthquake victims have been ravaged and displaced! No news on any rescue efforts that I’ve seen! Maybe some of you have seen otherwise! I’m hoping so!

Remember, Mexico was, and actually did start to help us. And were on their way here to help us after Hurricane Harvey! And totally on an unconditional basis! But when they're own homeland in lower Mexico was hit with a huge major earthquake.
Mexican Mobile Medical Unit after 8.1 Earthquake

There were not very many news reports, and or stories of help or survivor information being broadcast concerning Mexico's dire situation and damage. Barely even on a minute scale! And that was understandable, because we were in the midst of the worse Hurricane winds and storm surge waters in modern history! 
Flooding in Asian

Still, there's 24 hour news stations on cable TV! And I watch a lot of cable network news! And I've barely heard anything, if at all about the extent of Mexico's devastation, and widespread mass destruction as a result of this earthquake! Not to mention (no pun intended) the massive storms, and massive flooding in other far-off places affecting various people around the world, even as you read this article!
Flooding in Mexico after Earthquake
There are global localities that are suffering very high numbers of injured flood victims, and many casualties registering in the hundreds of thousands.

African Flooded villages
Natural disasters are breaking down peoples and infrastructures in many places like India and Africa! Even Montreal, Canada! 

Flooding in Montreal, Canada
Yet we here in america act as if we are the only people, place and situation that matters in the world!

I know what happened here in Texas and Florida and Georgia and the Carolinas was massive! Even the word Catastrophic doesn't do the damage throughout the lower Atlantic justice!
Flooding in India, Bangladesh 

But that shouldn't stop us from at least acknowledging the affliction of others who are suffering horribly elsewhere, and at least offer some kind of encouragement; and at best Our Prayers! Just showing the entire world that we care would mean so much to so many! The blessings in return would be felt in so many ways, by so many!  
Many Deaths after African flood conditions

In the midst of our own pain, it should never just be all about us alone! We should be more compassionate! In truth, we should all be ashamed of ourselves! But I say, Fear Not! Hold On!..... A Bigger than life Vast Love is on its way! And it can heal much pain!

Glenn Peppers 

Monday, September 4, 2017

“Kid Rock to Open Detroit’s Little Caesar's Arena”

“Kid Rock to Open Detroit’s Little Caesar's Arena” 

(Will Kid Rock’s christening of Detroit’s new arena become a show and atmosphere representative of what New Detroit has shown itself to be toward people of color?... We’ll see!) 

Glenn Peppers                                                                                9-4-2017

Kid Rock! In my opinion, a barely talented, somewhat bigoted rebel wannabe is starting the concert series out at the brand new Little Caesar's Arena in downtown Detroit! A lot of people are not liking Kid Rock’s christening and debut at the Mike Ilitch Pizza themed Arena for various reasons that I won’t go into here!

Yet given some of his remarks concerning people of color, to me, in essence, I think its only fitting that Kid Rock opens up at this new sports arena; considering the climate and air that this New Detroit is projecting and boldly showing the world! Clearly showing this defiant, headstrong, intolerant, and exclusive gentrified re-working of Detroit that in many ways appears openly to NOT include, or be geared for the non-white population of citizens in Detroit! 

Personally, they can keep their damned fancy new sports arena! The Gillitch gentrification development projects in Southeastern Michigan, and all the other outright onslaught, city land-grab moves that never had people of color in mind from the start, barrel shamelessly on! 

So why should I frequent an arena built allegedly with monies that were originally supposed to go to the Detroit Public School system? Notice the word, “Allegedly!” When you look around Detroit (all of Detroit, and not just downtown). This town surely has gotten its priorities and its civic britches on backwards when it comes to “All Detroiters!” A lot of people started noticing that “Hey! They’re sure spending a hell of a lot of money for a place that claimed to be so fiercely broken, and in need of Emergency Manger to mend things!" Financial problems so out of hand that Lansing and the city of Detroit went as far as filing bankruptcy a couple years back! But then magically, out of nowhere!... 

In a matter of three or four years or so, everything seems to be Alright! Just like that, we’ve got new busses, some street lights here and there, Belle Isle got all cleaned up and became a State Park, and we now have a Q-Line, and a sprig of new buildings springing up everywhere downtown! Just like that!.... Hmmm! Sure there were and are investors and such. But all that civically restored magic didn't come from the Gillitch projects! Or did it!? Maybe some!... Nah!

So in the midst of all this sudden abundance of monies (from who knows where) we've gone Arena and Stadium Building CRAZY! To hell with big giant sport complexes that are already standing! Places like the Palace in Auburn Hills, Michigan (opened in 1988), home of the Pistons! This very nice arena is going to be pretty much left standing come basketball season!... Just like that! 

A practically brand new sports arena not even as old as Prince's Purple Rain album, left vacant except for an occasional rock concert or a circus or two! Oh that's right. There is no more Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus anymore! No more Ice Capades either! Maybe a Wrestle Mania tour will come ‘round every now and again, or Circus Soleil!... Hmmmm!

So they're gonna demolish Joe Louis Arena (build in 1979) basically because they can! Some say that they're trying to eliminate, and tare down and kill off anything honoring people of color in Detroit. Well, I don't know this to be true. But if there is some truth to this rumor, then I wonder how long that Joe Louis boxers fist monument that sits at the foot of Woodward and Jefferson, and that statue of Joe Louis standing just inside the Cobo Hall Center will be left standing with people destroying monuments and statues now day? 

The reason I heard they wanted to demolish Joe Louis Arena is that engineers claimed that structurally, Joe Louis Arena is very much unfixable!... Umm well, I don't know 'bout all that either! I'm no contractor! But personally, I think a gang of those very talented HGTV/DIY fix-it folks could-a made Joe Louis Arena A Fabulous Made-Over new Sport Complex for the New Age! 

I imagined Big giant bay windows all around the arena, overlooking Canada and the Detroit River! Everything digital and Wi-Fi, and a slew of really great restaurants, and a people conveyer walking unit (like at the Airport) and escalators, along with a small amusement park and a retractable glass dome!... But that's just me dreamin'! And who da' hell am I though, right?

Hey we can't forget The Silver Dome Football Stadium in Pontiac, Michigan now can we? It's been sitting there rotting away for years, awaiting demolition! Pieces of its tattered roof blowing every which way in the wind, out in its abandon parking lot and beyond! 

So what's next? How many more arena's are we going to build and destroy, just because we can, and clandestinely at the public’s expense? Think about it! Most Stadiums and Arenas last pretty much a lifetime. In other cities and towns that is! 

But not here in Southeastern Michigan! In our lifetime (for some of us) we’ve had Classic Tiger Stadium... Gone! Olympia Stadium... Long Gone! Joe Louis soon to be gone! The Palace of Auburn Hills, Michigan... in effect, Gone! We have Ford Field, Comerica Park Baseball Stadium! And now, they want to build a Soccer Stadium downtown!... Wowsers, another sports arena downtown loaded up somewhere near or on Woodward Ave.? 

My thing is why? Am I missing something here? When did lower Michigan and greater Detroit become such a big Soccer-City Region? Is Soccer bigger than Arena Football? Is there still Arena Football at all? Another arena... are you serious! 

Basic appeal or not! You have to ask yourself.... “and with whose money are they gonna end up building this big shiny new Soccer arena with?....” Take a wild guess people! 

So as Kid Rock Christens New Detroit's latest Gentrified-Gem, The Little Caesar's Arena with his confederate flag waving, black women hatred filled songs and other rhetoric. I'll be enjoying some REAL home-grown Detroit delectable dishes and food items, and a movie! 

I'll be chomping down on some legendary, Detroit style, Buddy's Deep Dish Pizza, and sipping on some hometown Vernor's Ginger Ale! I may even down an ice cold Town Club Michigan Cherry Soda along with my homemade buttered popcorn, as I enjoy my movie, and the pleasant company that I keep!
By Glenn Peppers                                            9-4-2017      9am Labor Day