Thursday, September 17, 2015

“If Black Lives really Matter’s. Then Practice What You Preach!”

“If Black Lives really Matter’s. Then Practice What You Preach!”

(Let’s all do so by Example)

By Glenn Peppers

Ok my people! Com'on now. Seriously! We really need to stop shooting and killing one another out here, and posting all these video of black folks (mostly youths) beating up (or should I say, cowardly ganging upon) one another! Sure Black Lives Matter, but if you don't believe it yourself, then why should anybody else believe it! The disrespect for one another out here is just ridiculous! The foolishness I see on the local and national news is down right idiotic! Mind you, this is not just the news picking on us poor black folks living in impoverished areas of most any urban city in america. This senseless violence toward one another has become rampant! Out of control! 

Some of the stupid crap I see, hear and read about that people are doing here of late makes me think that most everybody out here has lost their minds! I know people are desperate and without, and often times denied the bare necessities like food stamps and this and that! For many people who really need it, a good many of them have been removed from some form of financial aid that once sustained them, and have had to resort to pawning or selling their belongings. For others hungry enough, the act of stealing became an option in order to survive.  

I understand where a person could be with that! especially if you’ve got children! But the senseless crimes and shootings, and the beating up and car jacking of elderly people for their purses, and loose change is complete BS! Nomadic Crimes! It’s all I've been seeing here of late, and it just doesn't make any sense! 

I feel that some of this is coming from the music that some of these youth listen to. Its almost as if it is partly a catalyst to some of this mess out here we’re all made witness to! The other day at the red light, I’m sitting next to a car blasting ALOUD some of the worse language and foul content imaginable in any rap song! I hear songs like this playing in their cars and trucks at decibels loud enough to break glass with toddlers sitting in the backseat (often times not in a baby seat). Their little ears must be on fire, as mine are, as I’m normally most times at least two cars away from these rude idiots! How unpleasant! It is unbelievable actually! 
The latest thing I’ve seen since about June of this year is these individuals who park all crooked, blasting their music, and then go into a store and leave their music playing in their vehicle at an ear spitting/bass thumping volume. As if they know that their music and song content will annoy people! Every song spews words like, “N-----g this, and F---k that! And B----h This!” All through every song. If you can in fact call these songs! 
There was one instance where I had the pleasure of pulling out of the store parking lot, just as a police cruiser was pulling in! My only regret was my not being able to stick around to see the look on that guys face when the cops were having his ride towed away! Oh yeah, he was parked in a handicapped parking space as well! 

So tell me. Is this all of what kids and young adults listen to these days? And I'm talking Black and White kids and young adults! Seriously, has this society lost its mind!
Its so sad to see the Brainwashing Matrix machine involved with the de-evolution of the black race in motion. What I’m witnessing day to day is a century’s old form of conditioning (Starting with the Willie Lynch Letter) that is much more complicated, and yet at the same time, quite simple to see; but only if one wants to see it! Believe me, the Saggin’ Pant wearing. Hip Hop/Gangster wannabe black and white youth of today doesn't want to see it! The music they listen to tells them not to see it! 

Watching some young white adults dressed in their preppy clothes, and Brad and Chad JC Penny Polo Shirts, and Shorts listening to all those obnoxiously ignorant de-evolutionary rap songs, chronicling black extinction is almost insulting! Their smart-ass smirk’s and thumb your nose look on their faces as they mock the foolishness of those songs is one that says. “Got ya!” We now own your classic music of Soul, Jazz and R&B, and we gave you This crap!” For them. Their mocking of this music is somewhat of a celebration. A victory song! Even after all these years, my people still need to know when people are laughing at them, and not with them!
Despite what is happening, more over, my people are still grand, beautiful, Inventive, talented and greatly gifted people. Yet we lack one thing that most all other races on the earth seem to cherish. And that's Unity, Loyalty and a Stick-to-itness that is un-compromised by anyone outside of their friend, family or business unit! A great lot of us lack the want and need to lift ourselves and our brothers and sisters up out of the Crab Bucket! I fear (and it is even documented) that this is a trait that precedes slavery! A trait that the european slave masters, and on up until today has capitalized on with black folks for hundreds of years! I feel sadly confident enough to say that this plan still works, even in 2015!

Especially in these last 50 to 60 years in america. We've become a people who are far too easily programmed and manipulated. Even as far as to hate ourselves, and to do the most foolish and ignorant things despite ourselves! We fall for every trend and fad that comes down the pike! Most of those trends being deadly for us. Yet we follow them just the same! 
The black male's lack of devotion (and I'm not speaking of ALL black males) to his woman and family; along with lacking a death before dishonor mentality towards any form of enslavement and injustice has placed us high on a disrespect list of people to flat out Screw Over with impunity, around the world! 
Through various modes of Media and through decades of DRUG Infestations and illegal street weapons flooding the inner cities of america; The powers that be has done a job on this generation of black youth in this recent age!... Pandoras Box door hinges are broken, and there's no closing her up ever again. The age of innocence as some of us knew it is over! 
This hellish thing done to deter, hinder, and destroy black folk effects everyone one of us who wants to live a peaceful and meaningful life on so many levels, here in america. So much so it is to the point where only God himself only knows just how badly we've been discriminated against, poisoned, experimented on, and re-programmed, and mentally altered into becoming this docile and compliant African American Entity! A non-wave-making, Just-getting-along Entity! A thing set apart from our true selves! 
A people programmed to settle for, and be satisfied with where we're at in history! Lost in limbo, yet still and forever fighting for our right to exist, well into the year 2015. Some of us are fighting almost as hard, and as desperately as our grand parents did back in 1955! Although things look as if they have changed. For many of us, things haven’t really changed much at all! We’re just all wired (or wireless) up for Facebook, Twitter and anything else HD,wi-fi, and 3G!
We have become our own end. "Brought to you By!... Yes US! We! Or in other words, Our Damned Selves!" What a beautifully underhanded and conniving way in which the european has orchestrated this well played clandestine Mind Screw! A mind screw brand of control and a means to waylay an entire race of people into simply destroying themselves! How clever a plan this was, the masterminding of a quiet annihilation of millions of people in such a slow, creeping way that most of us would not even suspect it! A plan so slick, that it barely reveals any inkling as to who, what, why or how it is all happening!... In the assistance of lessening or diminishing of said race. How much more Deliciously Diabolical can you get?

Glenn Peppers