Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Hollywood’s One Hundred Years a Slave

12 Years a Slave

Hollywood’s   One    Hundred  Years   a   Slave

By Glenn Peppers

Sunday night, August 7th, I put on 12 Years a Slave on HBO’s On-Demand last night and thought I'd see what all the Oscar hype was all about! Well after roughly 38 or so minutes into this revolting, instigative, degradating movie. I could not take it any longer! Not so much that the images are hard to look at. That is not it! Being a black man, I've seen these images, (and ones worse than the ones in the film) and these same senerio's time and time again throughout my youth, and adulthood. 

I am just tired of the fact that the only way Hollywood can come up with a way to award black actors is when that play a role depicting how defeated, downtrodden, beaten, and troubled black people are. We don’t win Oscars for how dramatic, victorious, or lets say, "Funny" we can be! However buffoonish, that situation could be as well.  

Hell, I'd rather see Halle Berry win an Oscar for being an intelligent, crafty Wall Street woman, than for being a poor grief stricken, drunken waitress, screwing Billy Bob Thornton on a couch in an otherwise mediocre movie of "The Monsters Ball!"

Lupita Nyong'o

I'm sick of Hollywood back-tracking black performers and our modes of talent and performing and entertaining skills back to Jim Crow levels of Al Jolson-esque, Minstrel Show Excrement! The academy deals out Oscars to black actors who play slaves, butlers, and house "N" like they're tossing Hershey's Kisses to a playground full of starving children! Again, its not that I'm sick of seeing the images, as I am tired of people portraying us in a light of subservience and shame over and over again! As this is being played out on the silver screen, I notice that people, black and white never learn from those terrible images and harsh dialogue! All I ever hear after people see so-called epic films like this is "Oh that was such a sad time for black people! But he got his freedom back in the end though!” Or. “That butler sho’ is a great and noble man!” I despise hearing comments like these about blacks portrayals in movies where black folks are always subserviently beaten and degraded, emotionally destroyed, and yet at the same time, noble sufferers. For this they deserve Oscars? Give me a break! 

Hell there are people living, working and breathing real-world incidences out here everyday who suffer pretty much the same, if not more pain and aggravation from being black as many of the slaves did back in the 1800's! Believe me, not a lot has changed out here, depending on where you live, and how you live! These people who suffer these same indignities their whole life through should get an Oscar as well, don't you think? 
Just for once, I'd like to see a person of color get an Oscar for playing the role of someone, intelligent, powerful and clever as well as beautiful! See there!... I saw you cringe when you read that! Even you think its a ridiculous idea! That is why Hollywood won't make a picture that empowers people of color! Because even you don’t believe it or take the idea serious! That is why we do not get to play the suave heroes or the leading men or the supermen in films, on a serious scale! If you notice whenever we do play superheroes, we have to be funny (“Meteor Man”), or silly second fiddle types who are completely unrealistic and/or A-Sexual in nature! Hell, if we even live halfway through a “B” horror movie, we'd be lucky! 

Robert Townsend as "Meteor Man"

Hollywood (as with most american film institutions) have no real respect for black folks! In a word, we're mostly just Comic Relief! That safe character who is always that one token black guy or girl in a crowd of white folks at a campground waiting to get bludgeoned by Jason or Michael Myers! Every once and a while Denzel or Will Smith will break out and play a bad ass cop or something!... Oh wait. That was back in the 1990's or around 2000, huh? Well, now days, Denzel is still playing bad asses. He's just a wee bit older now days! And if I see Samuel L. Jackson in one more movie, playing every black man in the universe, I'll scream! Hollywood, I beg you, give that gigantic stewing pot of waiting black actors a chance at playing in at least some of the new movies on the drawing board, for goodness sakes!
And no I will not watch the movie, "The Help" (Yes I’m that far behind in my movie going adventures) even though everybody tells me its a great movie! My wife says “The Butler” is a wonderful movie! Mind you I'm considering it, although I haven't drudged up the sincerity as of yet! I just think Hollywood could do better! Tyler Perry and Spike Lee can only do so much! I also feel that as many creative writers and producers and directors there are out here, there should be much better roles for people of color available in mainstream hollywood films! Like many people in the business think. I also feel that Hollywood does not want that to happen! 
“Fund and produce your own movies!” you say? Believe me, Hollywood is a global Herculean Operation! They control distribution, marketing, and promotion, and the media! So unless you play by their rules, you’ll make a wonderfully brilliant film that will go nowhere, and play (maybe) a handful of theaters at best! 
It was once said that a movie exec made it plain and clear in a board meeting that "A black man should never be allowed to play the hero in a film!" Well, I say to that guy, whoever he is; “He’s a puss draining dinosaur!” As a writer, an actor at heart, and an aspiring film director. There are people out here who will prove that man wrong! Those walls will come down! Just as you've seen from time to time in the recent past. 

Every once and a while, someone new breaks through the muck and quells the stereotypes. It doesn't happen very often, but it does happen! Sooner or later, there's always another “Mr. Tibbs,” or a John Shaft, or a Bruce Lee to break the mold of that Asian “Chop Chop Hopsing stereotype. Knocking that gray area wall down to the ground, in a big way! 

From Hattie McDaniel to Cleopatra Jones, the Stereotypes will be broken! Then one day in the future as we see fit, we'll make our own historic period piece films, on our own terms, about us! It will be then that we'll say to ourselves. "Who the hell needs a damned Oscar anyway!"
Glenn Peppers                               8-9-14  

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Joan Rivers dies in New York at 81

Joan Rivers

Joan Rivers dies in New York at 81
(Yes we can Talk) 

By Glenn Peppers                                                                               9-4-14

I’m assuming like many of you, I am so broken hearted right about now! For just about two hours ago on this Thursday, September 4th 2014, I heard Joan Rivers passed on this afternoon while I was flipping channels on my television! This really brought me down because I really thought that Joan would recover. 

My love/hate affinity for Joan Rivers was like most people's experience with her, (whether you knew her or not) I guess. To me, she was funny as all get out, and ruder than a drunken bar brawler on a saturday night! One critic once said that “Joan Rivers was about as subtle as a Mac Truck!” In all actuality, he was right!

Rivers was a straight up New York girl at heart! And ever since I was a kid I loved the hell out of her! My first time seeing Joan Rivers was on the Ed Sullivan Show back in the 1960's (around 1965)! She was this feisty yet odd lil' woman with these big nightclub style, Henny Youngman/Shecky Green one liners that cracked me up. 

Back then there wasn’t many female comedians. You had Totie Fields, Phyllis Diller, and Carol Burnett! Lucille Ball had made her mark in films way before television, and stand up wasn't Lucy's thing! But Joan stuck it out in the clubs in New York. Fighting the smoky stages in Manhattan and Jersey with the Best of any male comedian! Even at though I was this little kid, as I sat on the living room floor watching her do her act, I understood Joan’s humor! 

She had an most definite audience appeal! Apparently Johnny Carson saw that appeal, and made her a star by having her on his show, The Tonight Show so many times throughout the years that when Johnny was away on vacation, Joan was his most frequent quest host!
Joan Rivers on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson

Of course, Joan and Johnny did eventually have this massive falling out in the early 1990's, after Joan had gotten her own late night talk show on the (all new)  FOX network. Feeling betrayed, Carson literally never spoke to Joan Rivers ever again! From losing her husband Edgar to Suicide, and other personal woes, Joan Rivers always seemed to weather the storm. As  famous as she was; and to be as loved as she was by so many. 

Surprisingly, a lot of folks hated Joan Rivers! I mean, you have to admit, little miss Joan could be quite the acquired taste at times! Sometimes she'd even bug the heck outta me with some of the things she'd say. Yet, her endearing sincerity, and her “Oh com'on people, they’re Just Jokes!” way about her would break the ice, and disarm you. Her baby face ways always shone through and won me back to her. 

Humor wise, it was Joan's quick wit that fascinated me! Those fabulous comeback lines for hecklers!... Amazing! When I briefly did standup comedy back in the 1980’s, it was guys like Richard Prior, Don Rickles and Joan Rivers comedic-cadence and flow that I followed as I crafted my liners in order to deal with crowd hecklers! Sometimes I’d build my whole set around trashing hecklers most nights at a comedy club. I had three thick notebooks full of comeback lines that I spent time perfecting. In writing them, I could almost hear Joan spewing them out at a bunch of rude hecklers in an audience!

If you're old enough, you know that over the years, Joan Rivers became apart of most all our television iconic viewing for decades. From the Ed Sullivan Show, to Carson's Tonight Show, to the Hollywood Squares, to selling her own line of clothing, and other products on QVC. Right up to hosting those Runway Carpet fashion shows on E! Entertainment! Joan was all over the place! 

Many a generation had a piece of Joan Rivers flavor to pull from! And she wasn't slowing down a bit for anyone! Bless her heart, Joan Rivers worked until she died, doing what she loved most. Making people laugh! And I guess as far as life goes, it doesn't get any better than that! Rest in Peace my Feisty lil' Friend! And give Johnny a hug for us, huh! Because where you're at, I know all is well dear heart! All is well!
Glenn Peppers